illegal wildlife trade

Ugandan ivory trader sentenced to life in prison

2022-10-21 - Kampala, Uganda.

A Ugandan court has sentenced an ivory trader to life in prison - the longest sentence for such crimes in the country's history. A new law was passed in 2019 that toughened sentences for poaching or trafficking in endangered species. Pascal Ochiba was arrested in January this year with two pieces of ivory, weighing nearly 10kg (22lb). The magistrate said Ochiba, as a repeat offender, deserved life in prison for the future protection of wildlife.

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Uganda seizes blood ivory ready for shipment to China

2013-10-18 - Kampala, Uganda.

Over 800 pieces were found concealed in a container ready for shipment via the Indian Ocean port of Mombasa to China. Said to be worth over 6 billion Uganda Shillings, the catch will financially pain the middlemen of the illicit trade but have cost several hundred elephant their lives.

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SOUVENIRS OF SHAME: Uganda Wildlife Authority official John Wasike checks impounded items handed over by the Uganda Revenue Authority over the weekend. The banned items were seized over a three-month period by URA staff.

URA seizes $700,000 animal trophies

2012-02-13 - Kampala, Uganda.

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) last weekend handed over illegal Elephant Ivory, Monitor Lizard skins and Rhino teeth worth Ush1.6b ($700,000) to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). The trophies that are banned under the Convention in Trade in Endangered Species were impounded over the last three months destined for export. The items were impounded at different customs points after lacking exportation documents. According to Mr. James Kisaame, the enforcement assistant commissioner at URA, 1...

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Uganda: Conservationists Worry Over Rising Elephant Poaching

2011-12-05 - Kampala, Uganda.

Conservationists have raised the red flag over the increase in poaching of elephants in national parks. According to UWA, 33 elephants have been killed at Murchison Falls National Game Park in the last seven years, of which 25 have been killed this year. The numbers of elephants killed in parks since the year began have more than tripled.

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Three elephants killed every year

2010-09-15 - Kampala, Uganda. Gerald Tenywa

POACHERS kill three elephants in Uganda every year, John Makombo, the acting head of the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), has said. “Poaching has never been stopped anywhere in the world, but it can be controlled. That is one of the reasons UWA exists,” Makombo said. According to Makombo, the population of elephants, currently estimated at 5,000, has been increasing over the years due to UWA’s strong anti-poaching drives.

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Uganda: Elephants, Lions Snared Every Week

2009-09-10 - Kampala, Uganda. Gerald Tenywa

EACH week, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has to rescue an elephant or lion from a wire snare.The snares, set up by poachers, are fixed on fences or trees to trap the animals. According to Sam Mwandha, UWA's director of conservation, poaching is common in Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls national parks. "We have been called every week to remove snares from animals in the two parks," he said.

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Ugandan refugees return home to elephantine surprise - Feature

2008-11-25 - Kampala, Uganda.

It may not be quite as bad as the Three Bears returning home to find Goldilocks sleeping in one of their beds, but Ugandan villagers returning to the villages they abandoned during the East African nation's civil war are being met with a rather large surprise. "Elephants are moving into the villages," says Sam Mwandha, operations director for the state-owned Uganda Wildlife Authority. Much of Uganda's northern region lies in the so-called elephant corridor, a vast tropical flat terrain that adjo...

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Africa: Continent"s Rare Species of Flora and Fauna Face Extinction as Poaching Intensifies.

2008-10-09 - Kampala, Uganda. Edmund Kagire

Most rare and precious African fauna and flora species are on the verge of extinction, today more than in the past years following increased illegal trade in the past decade as global demand for these increases on daily basis. Data from the Lusaka Agreement reveals that over 20.000 elephants are killed in Africa annually and the ivory worth over $20m is exported to China, USA and Japan where it has a lucrative ready market. There is also a ready market for rhino horns, hippo teeth, primates like...

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Elephants Kill Two in Kanungu

2008-08-29 - Kampala, Kenya. Patson Baraire

Over 200 families from Kinyabutongo and Kameme villages in Kihiihi Sub-county, Kanungu District have fled their homes and camped at the sub-county headquarters after elephants from the Queen Elizabeth National Park invaded their area. Last weekend, the elephants killed two people and injured several others. The Kihiihi LC3 chairperson, Mr Nelson Natukunda, named the victims as Ms Beatrice Musabyimaana, 39, and her two-year-old son Brian Abemaana, who were killed as she tended to her garden.

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Uganda: Stray Elephants Relocated in Amuru

2008-07-28 - Kampala, Uganda. Patience Aber

The Police and army have launched a joint operation to drive back 35 stary elephants from Amuru District to Murchison Falls National Park. "We have embarked on an operation to drive elephants straying in Kochgoma and Alero sub-counties in Amuru district back to their conservation area in Murchison Falls National Park," UPDF northern region spokesperson Capt Ronald Kakurungu said last Tuesday in a statement. The elephants recently crossed over into the new district. Capt. Kakurungu said they are ...

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Population Genetic Structure of Savannah Elephants in Kenya: Conservation and Management Implications.

2008-05-13 - Kampala, Uganda. Okello JB, Masembe C, Rasmussen HB, Wittemyer G, Omondi P, Kahindi O, Muwanika VB, Arctander P, Douglas-Hamilton I, Nyakaana S, Siegismund HR. Makerere University

We investigated population genetic structure and regional differentiation among African savannah elephants in Kenya using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. We observed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide diversity of 1.68% and microsatellite variation in terms of average number of alleles, expected and observed heterozygosities in the total study population of 10.20, 0.75, and 0.69, respectively. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance of mtDNA variation revealed significant differe...

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Tourist versus elephant in Uganda

2008-04-07 - Kampala, Uganda. Wolfgang H. Thome

A French tourist visitor had a near fatal run in with an elephant at Murchisons Falls National Park last week. Ignoring guidance habitually given to visitors, to take a ranger with them for their game drive, the group approached some elephants to within very close range before switching their car engine off. Little did they know that a female elephant with a small cub was taking this intrusion into her space as a potential threat to her newly born and promptly went on the attack.

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Sixth meeting of the MIKE (Monitoring the Illegal Killing of elephants) and ETIS (Elephant Trade information System) Technical Advisory Group [TAG6]

2008-03-02 - Kampala, Uganda.

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Uganda"s elephant numbers rise after near decimation under dictator

2008-02-06 - Kampala, United States.

The elephant population in Uganda's wildlife reserves and game parks has been growing steadily to about 5,000 since the near depletion of the gigantic mammals under the regime of late dictator Idi Amin, a top conservation official said Wednesday. Ecologists say during the late 1960s, jungles in the east African country's wilderness were teeming with over 30,000 elephants, in both gazetted areas and elephant migratory corridors.

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Uganda: IDPs Petition President Over UWA

2007-08-08 - Kampala, Uganda. Chris Ocowun

THE internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in camps bordering Murchison Falls National Game Park in Amuru district have petitioned President Yoweri Museveni over the actions of the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). The IDPs want the authority to drive back the elephants that invaded their area. The locals said this in a meeting with the special presidential advisor for the north, Richard Todwong, last week. Todwong assessed the destruction caused by over 400 elephants that have invaded the vi...

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Elephants increase to 3,000 in Queen Elizabeth National Park

2007-01-28 - Kampala, Uganda. Gerald Tenywa

THE elephant population in Queen Elizabeth National Park has hit the level of three decades ago of about 3,000. According to a census report released by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), the elephant population is about 2,959, up from 2,497 in 2004. The population doubled between 2000 and 2004 when it increased from 1,100. UWA’s head of research and monitoring Aggrey Rwetsiba attributed the growth to reduced poaching and increased migration of elephants from DR Congo. The park’s managemen...

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Uganda impounds large consignment of ivory

2006-12-15 - Kampala, Uganda.

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has impounded a large consignment of ivory valued at 227 million Ugandan shillings (126,000 U.S. dollars) in Kampala. Paul Kyeyune, URA's Public and Corporate Affairs officer, was quoted by local media Friday as saying the 99 pieces of ivory weighing about 250 kg were intercepted at a tip-off at Kabuusu Tuesday midnight on the outskirts of Kampala.

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Uganda: Over 200 Give Up Poaching in Gulu

2006-06-06 - Kampala, Uganda. Charles Akena

OVER 100 people in Kamdini village have given up poaching wild game and handed over an assortment of hunting implements to the authorities. A delegation of 245 poachers led by Mr Patrick Odongo handed over spears, traps, wire snares, cooking pots and other tools to the Senior Conservation Officer of Murchison National Park, Mr Stonewall Kato, at Kamdini Parish last week. They revealed that they used to hunt animals in the park and later sell the meat to hotel proprietors in Kampala and other are...

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Elephant kills Indian tourist in Uganda

2005-04-20 - Kampala, Uganda.

An Indian tourist at a wildlife reserve in northern Uganda was killed by an elephant when he and several compatriots tried to get a close look at the pachyderm and her calf, officials said on Tuesday. The slain safari-goer was one of six Indian visitors in the Murchison Falls National Park on Sunday to have misjudged the distance between themselves and a group of elephants and were charged, the officials said.

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Uganda"s Elephant Population Swells

2005-04-18 - KAMPALA, Uganda. GEOFFREY MULEME

The once-threatened elephant population in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park increased by more than 1,000 during the past three years, partly because of animals fleeing poachers and civil war in neighboring Congo, a government wildlife official said Monday. Thousands of elephants in the park were slaughtered in the 1970s by dictator Idi Amin's soldiers and in the 1980s by rebel armies. The area is now protected, and the elephant population is booming because animals are leaving adjacent Vir...

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Elephants Raid Village

2005-03-15 - Kampala, Uganda. Chris Ahimbisibwe

Four elephants from Queen Elizabeth National Park invaded Rubengye village in Burere sub-county, Bushenyi district and left crop gardens destroyed.

The area councillor, Ephraim Biraro, revealed this on Friday during a district council meeting.

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Uganda Opposes Trade in Ivory but believes in the concept of sustainable utilisation

2004-10-07 - Kampala, Uganda. Gerald Tenywa, New Vision

A TEAM of wildlife officials has left for a global meeting in Bangkok,
Thailand to oppose the lifting of the ban imposed on ivory trade.

"Uganda believes in the concept of sustainable utilisation. We recognise
that Uganda's elephant population growth in the last 20 years is partly due
to the ban on ivory. Uganda therefore, proposes that this ban should be
upheld until such a time that mechanisms for regulating ivory trade and
elephant produc...

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22 Headlines about Elephants from Kampala2022-10-21 - Kampala, Uganda - Ugandan ivory trader sentenced to life in prison 2013-10-18 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda seizes blood ivory ready for shipment to China 2012-02-13 - Kampala, Uganda - URA seizes $700,000 animal trophies 2011-12-05 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda: Conservationists Worry Over Rising Elephant Poaching 2010-09-15 - Kampala, Uganda - Three elephants killed every year 2009-09-10 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda: Elephants, Lions Snared Every Week 2008-11-25 - Kampala, Uganda - Ugandan refugees return home to elephantine surprise - Feature 2008-10-09 - Kampala, Uganda - Africa: Continent"s Rare Species of Flora and Fauna Face Extinction as Poaching Intensifies. 2008-08-29 - Kampala, Kenya - Elephants Kill Two in Kanungu 2008-07-28 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda: Stray Elephants Relocated in Amuru 2008-05-13 - Kampala, Uganda - Population Genetic Structure of Savannah Elephants in Kenya: Conservation and Management Implications. 2008-04-07 - Kampala, Uganda - Tourist versus elephant in Uganda 2008-03-02 - Kampala, Uganda - Sixth meeting of the MIKE (Monitoring the Illegal Killing of elephants) and ETIS (Elephant Trade information System) Technical Advisory Group [TAG6] 2008-02-06 - Kampala, United States - Uganda"s elephant numbers rise after near decimation under dictator 2007-08-08 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda: IDPs Petition President Over UWA 2007-01-28 - Kampala, Uganda - Elephants increase to 3,000 in Queen Elizabeth National Park 2006-12-15 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda impounds large consignment of ivory 2006-06-06 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda: Over 200 Give Up Poaching in Gulu 2005-04-20 - Kampala, Uganda - Elephant kills Indian tourist in Uganda 2005-04-18 - KAMPALA, Uganda - Uganda"s Elephant Population Swells 2005-03-15 - Kampala, Uganda - Elephants Raid Village 2004-10-07 - Kampala, Uganda - Uganda Opposes Trade in Ivory but believes in the concept of sustainable utilisation

24 years on Internet!

ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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