Dan Koehl elephant Shiva Stockholm 1988
Skansen, Stockholm 1986.
Photo: Roger Schederin.
Swimming elephants in Stockholm
Stockholm 1990
Boras Zoo 1997
Boras Zoo 1997
Riding Sabi Vienna Zoo 1998
Vienna Zoo 1998
Dresden Zoo 1999
Dresden Zoo 1999
Kolmarden Zoo 2000
Kolmarden Zoo 2000
Dan Koehl Circus Krone 2001
Circus Krone 2001
Dan Koehl footcare Circus Krone
Footcare Krone
Sondelani Zimbabwe 2004
Zimbabwe 2003

Dan Koehl
Zimbabwe 2004
Dan Koehl
Kolmarden Zoo 2007
Dan Koehl
Karlsruhe Zoo 2010
Dan Koehl
Karlsruhe Zoo 2010
Dan Koehl
Prague Zoo 2010

When I started to work with the elephants 48 years ago in the seventies, news about elephants in other locations and countries were only told by mouth, and it took months for news to travel around. Zoologist and directors had their network, but elephant keepers and trainers had to rely on gossip. Now and then, short stories and photos would be snail-mailed, but mostly it was verbal. During morning coffe-break, the leadkeeper would suddeny say; I had a telephone call yesterday night from XY in ZY Zoo, and he said...

Likewise, facts and information about elephants in general were rare, and would be exchanged between keepers as precious gifts.

Not everywhere though. On my first visit to Zürich Zoo in Switzerland 1985, the head elephant keeper Ruedi Tanner showed me news and clippings, which he recieved from news companies in Switzerland. By those means he could be updated with latest information about what was going on with elephants everywhere. But few elephant people had this service payed from their zoo...

In 1993, I bought my first computer. One year later, I discovered different means of Networks with computers through the telephone lines. It was fascinating to chat online, but there were no elephant keepers online...

When I started using Internet in 1995, I hardly found any information about elephants, so I made my first website. It has changed over the years, and during the last years I started to list elephants on different locations, which has become the largest elephant database online, at Absolut Elephant.

In 1996, I started Elephant-L, a mail list, which served a good cause for same years. Elephant people discussed, and informed each other, and of course briefed about the latest news. But, this list got full with spam in the end, and just caused anger, so I closed it down in the nineties.

In August 2001, I started the Elephant News, trying to collect and organize elephant related articles on the Internet. Because of my work as elephant consultant, sometimes at remote locations, I may sometimes have limited Internet access, but mostly this website is updated daily.

I hope you find it useful and have as fun using it, as I have doing it!

ICQ: 404 67 87
Skype: DanKoehl

Elephant News


Established 2001
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