2012-04-10 - Honolulu, United States.
The nation´s leading accrediting organization for zoos and aquariums has renewed Honolulu Zoo´s accreditation. The new elephant exhibit that opened in December was a critical element, the city said. The new home for Mari and Vaigai is 1.5 acres, nine times larger than the previous exhibit. It also contains two 50,000-gallon swimming pools. The city also increased staffing and improved signage, two areas the Association of Zoos and Aquariums pointed out as deficiencies in a previous i...
2011-11-04 - Honolulu, United States. Nina Wu
Sometime this month, Honolulu Zoo elephants Mari and Vaigai will take a short stroll to their newly expanded home that is 17 times larger than their old enclosure. The new $12 million elephant exhibit, measuring 1.4 acres, features an open dirt space, tall concrete planters, shady coves and two 55,000-gallon waterfall pools with overlooking viewing areas. It is skirted by a walkway leading from the gharial display to the African Savanna section, and is surrounded by an electrified...
2011-04-12 - Honolulu, United States.
We, as emotional beings, place a high value on happiness and joy. Happiness is more than a feeling to us - it’s something we require and strive for. We’re so fixated on happiness that we define the pursuit of it as a right. We seek happiness not only for ourselves and our loved ones, but also for our planet and its creatures.
2010-08-14 - Honolulu, United States.
The Honolulu Zoo´s two elephants will move into prime real estate next year when their 37,000-square-foot grazing habitat is completed. The zoo broke ground yesterday on the enclosure that will house the two female Indian elephants and provide space for a male, which the zoo is hoping to get in the next few years. The facility will replace the elephants´ existing 3,100-square-foot facility and form the backbone of a retooled Asian rain forest exhibit.
2008-08-11 - Honolulu, United States. Leanne Ta
An ongoing change is the expansion of the Indian elephant exhibit. Zookeepers are preparing to move elephants Mari and Vai Gai from their current 3,600-square-foot enclosure to a 30,000-square-foot space. Local landscapers will be contracted for the project, which will take about a year to build, Luscomb said. The zoo is searching for two more elephants — a cow and a bull — to add to the larger exhibit. About $6.8 million will go toward the project this year.
2008-04-08 - Honolulu, United States.
It is not a scene from an animal version of the "Biggest Loser," there is a whole other reason our elephants were weighed in Tuesday. With the help of a truck scale, Honolulu Zoo keepers weighed in two Asian elephants named Mari and Vaigai. Mari weighed in at 10,200 pounds while her buddy Vaigai weighed in at 9,750 pounds. Zoo officials said the weigh-in happens twice a year for a couple of reasons.
2008-03-05 - Honolulu, United States.
Mayor Mufi Hannemann is asking for millions of dollars to finish a new elephant exhibit at the Honolulu Zoo that's been in the works for over a decade. A large portion of the enclosure is finished and sits empty -- waiting for the funding to complete the job. KITV's Keoki Kerr reported that in his budget proposal last week, Hannemann asked for about $7 million to complete an elephant breeding facility here at the zoo
2005-08-10 - Honolulu, United States. Ron Mizutani
After more than a year of practicing, it was time for the real thing. Vaigai, a 20-year-old Asian elephant at the Honolulu Zoo, was artificially inseminated Wednesday morning, but the procedure came a day earlier than expected. Zookeepers were expecting her to ovulate in two days, but instead it happened some time last night, which meant the A-I procedure had to be done this morning.
2004-08-16 - Honolulu, United States. Rosemarie Bernardo
A circus that includes elephant performances has not come to Hawaii since Tyke's rampage. However, there was an attempt last year by the Ringling Bros Circus. The organization filed for a permit to bring two Asian elephants for a February circus performance. There were no other requests to bring in elephants for circus acts, said Cravalho. An elephant, however, was brought to Honolulu for the filming of the Disney movie "George of the Jungle" in 1997 under strict safeguards.
2004-08-16 - Honolulu, United States. By Rosemarie Bernardo, Starbulletin
Makakilo resident Donna Wier remembers that horrible day 10 years ago when a man was trampled to death by an 8,000-pound elephant at the Blaisdell Arena. "It was pretty traumatic," said Wier, who took her sons Dillon, then 6, and Koa, 10 months, to the circus for the first time. "It's still in the back of our minds."
2003-12-21 - Honolulu, United States. Mary Vorsino
Steve Hirano, 57, died Friday evening at his Hawaii Kai home, less than two months after learning that he had pancreatic cancer. Steve Hirano made international news in 1994 when the rogue elephant tyke from a Blaisdell Center circus, for whom he was serving as publicist, charged and attacked him. The video of Tyke the elephant tossing Hirano out of the way as he tried to hold the animal behind a fenced gate is hard to forget.
1999-03-24 - Honolulu, United States.
What ever happened to the body of Tyke, the 21-year-old female circus elephant whose rampage through Kakaako in 1994 was finally stopped by police gunfire? How was the body disposed? -When Tyke died, the city parks department moved the body to the animal quarantine station at Halawa, where state personnel did an animal autopsy, said city spokeswoman Carol Costa.
1994-08-20 - Honolulu, United States.
Alan Campbell (1953-August 20, 1994) was an elephant trainer for The Hawthorn Corporation. Campbell was crushed to death on August 20, 1994 at the Neal Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, after attempting to save fellow co-worker Dallas Beckwith from the performing elephant "Tyke" who had run amok.
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