
Forest Dept renames PT 7 as Dhoni, to train him as a kumki elephant

2023-01-22 - Palakkad, India.

The rogue elephant till now known as PT 7, short for Palakkad Tusker 7, has got a new name. The jumbo was tranquilised by the Forest Department on Sunday morning and moved into a cage by afternoon. The tusker, who unleashed terror in the Dhoni area of the district and thus made the place famous, will now be called Dhoni.

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What costs captive jumbos’ lives? Lack of income or dearth of exercise?

2021-11-28 - Palakkad, India.

An increase in the frequency of deaths of captive elephants has prompted jumbo lovers to ask two key questions. Without enough festivals in the last two years, have the elephants contracted diseases or developed fitness issues? Mangalamkunnu Haridas, who lost two of his elephants Rajan and Gajendran in as many days, said the captive jumbos were mostly idling in the last two years due to lack of festivals. “Captive elephants need exercise. Mahouts take them out for one or two rounds of walk, bu...

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Elephant Manisseeri Raghuram dead

2021-06-09 - Palakkad, India.

Manisseeri Raghuram, an elephant famous for its magnificent presence during temple festivals in the State, including Thrissur Pooram, died at Ottapalam on Wednesday. The elephant was undergoing treatment for tuberculosis and foot disease for the past several months. It had last paraded for the Paramekavu at Thrissur Pooram.

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849 wild elephants died in Kerala forests from 2009 to 2019. The death rate of wild elephants in Kerala is high, reveals statistics shared by the forest department.

2020-11-07 - Palakkad, India.

The death rate of wild elephants in Kerala is high, reveals statistics shared by the forest department. As per the 2018 census, the wild elephant population in the state is 5,706. The death rate is high, say experts. “The life expectancy of captive elephants in Kerala is 70 to 75 years while that of wild elephants is only 60 years,” said B N Anjan Kumar, technical assistant to chief wildlife warden.

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The tusker was constantly seen on the tracks during the last two weeks.

Elephant hit by passenger train in Palakkad succumbs to injuries

2016-11-27 - Palakkad, India.

A male wild elephant which was hit by a train on the B line at the Walayar Pudussery section just past Kanjikode succumbed to the injuries on Sunday. The passenger train from Palakkad town Tiruchirapalli (Train No. 56712) hit the 25-year old elephant at around 8km from Palakkad (towards Coimbatore) on Sunday 7.10 AM on the B line.

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Elephant kills mahout in Kerala

2013-08-15 - Palakkad, India.

A captive elephant gored to death its 50-year old mahout to death in Puthur in the district today, police said. The jumbo, which had been brought to participate in the ´anayootu´ (feeding of elephants) festival at Thirupuraikkal Bhagavathy Temple here, killed its second mahout Ramankutty (50).

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In a Rage: Temple elephant Narayanankutty goes on the rampage during an annual ceremony of the Puthenkavumala Mahadevar Temple at Nellad, near Vallamkulam, in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala on Sunday afternoon. The tusker uprooted a few trees, crushed

Elephants strike terror in Pathanamthitta, Palakkad

2012-02-13 - Palakkad, India.

Two elephants ran amok in Palakkad district and another in Pathanamthitta during temple festivals on Sunday. Four persons were injured in Palakkad, while in Pathanamthitta, the elephant damaged two vehicles and uprooted trees. The pachyderm, Narayanankutty, ran amok at the annual ‘parackezhunnellippu´ ceremony of the Puthenkavumala Mahadevar temple, at Nellad, near Vallamkulam, in Pathanamthitta at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday. It was tranquillised and tethered after three hours by an Elephant Sq...

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Baby elephant rescued from water well

2010-06-04 - Palakkad, India.

A wild baby elephant fell into a well in Palakkad district of India´s southern Kerala state on Thursday night. The four-year-old elephant fell into the well when it entered the residential area of Vadakkethara along with its herd. The locals came to know about the incident early in the morning on Friday and informed the forest department immediately. A huge crowd of locals gathered near the well to help the officials in rescuing the elephant. The animal is unhurt and is swimming in the wel...

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Deputy Speaker Jose Baby speaking after inaugurating the five-day training camp for mahouts organised by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to elephants

SPCA training camp

2008-09-17 - Palakkad, United States.

The problems faced by elephants could be mitigated to a certain extent by imparting scientific training to the mahouts, said Deputy Speaker Jose Baby.
He was speaking after inaugurating the five-day training camp organised by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) near the Pariyanampatta temple in Mangalamkunnu on Tuesday. The camp was being organised with the co-operation of the Departments of Forest, Animal Husbandry and elephant owners.

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Heavy rush for Nemmara-Vallangi Vela

2008-04-03 - Palakkad, India.

Thousands of people witnessed the Nemmara-Vallangi Vela which was celebrated on Wednesday with traditional fervour. In spite of the downpour all roads led to the Vela venue as crowds poured in to enjoy the panchavadyam and to see the elephants. Eleven caparisoned elephants were lined up by the Nemmara desam and another eleven by the Vallangi desam. The highlight of the festivities was the fireworks apart from the panchavadyam and the pandimelam by renowned artistes.

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Elephant runs amok

2008-02-25 - Palakkad, India.

An elephant which was brought for the festival at the Palabhadra Devi temple in Shoranur ran amok and created some anxious moments on Sunday. Cherpulassery Neelakantan which was taken to the Bharathapuzha river for bathing at 11 a.m. failed to obey the mahout and got into a deep pit inside the river bed. It began to run helter- skelter when it was brought out of the pit. It was with great effort that the mahout managed to tether the elephant.

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Probe sought into death of jumbos

2008-02-09 - Palakkad, India.

The Wildlife Protection Society of India has demanded an inquiry into the death of three elephants after being hit by a train in Kurumbanpalayam near Madukkarai. The society said that the Railways should create an awareness among its drivers and co-pilots to drive at a speed of 20km per hour on the Walayar forest stretch. In a statement here on Friday project officer and coordinator of the Wildlife Protection Society of India Guruvayurappan said that eco-development committees should be constitu...

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DFO directive to elephant owners

2008-01-06 - PALAKKAD, India.

All the owners of captive elephants have been requested to produce their elephants for verification , micro-chipping and issuing of health card at the following venues. On January 8, at the district veterinary centre on VH road from 10 am to 1 pm and at the Divisional Forest Office at Mannarkad from 2 pm to 4 pm. On January 9, venue will be at the M A Parameswaran and Company at Mangalamkunnu from 10 am.

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Recommendations to check torture of elephants

2008-01-05 - PALAKKAD, India.

The Elephant Lovers’ Association submitted an eight-point recommendation at the meet convened at the Collectorate conference hall here on Friday by the district administration to check the harassment of elephants by mahouts and owners during the coming festival season. Elephant Lovers’ Association president V.K.Venkatachalam suggested the setting up of pandals when the elephants are made to stand for long hours for ezhunnellippu in the sun.

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Action sought against Gajamela organisers

2007-11-28 - PALAKKAD, India.

Animal lovers have demanded that the government take action against the Elephant Welfare Trust of India for organising a Gajamela here on November 25. The Wildlife Protection Society of India, in a complaint sent to the Forest Minister and the Chief Wildlife Warden on Tuesday, said that the Elephant Welfare Trust of India organised a Gajamela and a march on the city roads on Sunday. It was organised with the support of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Forest and Police Departmen...

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Gajamela held in Palakkad

2007-11-26 - PALAKKAD, India.

The gajamela-2007 organised by the Elephant Welfare Trust at the BEM high school ground here on Sunday was witnessed by hundreds of people. Fourty-one elephants were paraded during the show. More than 50 foreign tourists were brought to witness the show. Every elephant was brought to a specially erected platform and three foreign tourists were assisted to get on top of each elephant. A bed sheet was spread over the back of each elephant and two ropes were tied on each side for the tourist to hol...

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Love for jumbos turning a burden

2007-11-12 - Palakkad, India. A Satish

Brothers M.A. Haridas and M.A. Parameswaran of Mangalamkunnu in the district who chose to rear elephants for the sheer love for them and who went on to become the largest individual owners after the Guruvayur Devaswom have begun to feel the heat of venturing into one of the riskiest business. From 18 elephants, they have begun to reduce their herd which now stands at 12. They had donated a 30-yearold elephant, Gajendran, to the local Pariyanampatta temple last year.

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Elephant dies after being hit by train

2007-09-29 - Palakkad, India.

A 12-year old elephant was killed when it was hit by a running train near the Walayar forests between Chullimada and Kanjikode on Friday. The elephant, which descended from the forests, was hit by the Kochi-Tiruchirapalli Tea Garden Express at around 2.30 am in the wee hours of Friday. The elephant, after being hit, was dragged over a distance of half km. Only the skin, trunks and the legs were recovered while all the internal organs laid scattered over a distance. A post-mortem was conducted on...

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Kangaroo land invites elephant doc

2005-09-04 - PALAKKAD, India.

Elephant doctors of Kerala are in great demand for treating sick pachyderms and tranquillising them when they go berserk in musth. They are becoming increasingly sought after around the globe. One of the doctors, Jacob Cheeran, will appear as an elephant expert in a case, involving the government of Australia which intended to import eight elephants from Thailand for their zoos and non governmental organisations which opposed the decision, before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

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A family with a yen for elephants

1997-07-07 - Palakkad, India. A Satish

Though jumbo-sized problems and risks are part of rearing elephants, for brothers M A Parameswaran and Haridas of Mangalamkunnu they are family pets. They have got 14 elephants, making them the largest individual owners in Kerala after the Guruvayur Devaswom. The duo are averse to deputing their jumbos for pulling logs of wood, usually done by female elephants. So only tuskers form part of their brigade. Of the 42 elephants with the Guruvayur Devaswom, only 33 are tuskers.

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20 Headlines about Elephants from Palakkad2023-01-22 - Palakkad, India - Forest Dept renames PT 7 as Dhoni, to train him as a kumki elephant 2021-11-28 - Palakkad, India - What costs captive jumbos’ lives? Lack of income or dearth of exercise? 2021-06-09 - Palakkad, India - Elephant Manisseeri Raghuram dead 2020-11-07 - Palakkad, India - 849 wild elephants died in Kerala forests from 2009 to 2019. The death rate of wild elephants in Kerala is high, reveals statistics shared by the forest department. 2016-11-27 - Palakkad, India - Elephant hit by passenger train in Palakkad succumbs to injuries 2013-08-15 - Palakkad, India - Elephant kills mahout in Kerala 2012-02-13 - Palakkad, India - Elephants strike terror in Pathanamthitta, Palakkad 2010-06-04 - Palakkad, India - Baby elephant rescued from water well 2008-09-17 - Palakkad, United States - SPCA training camp 2008-04-03 - Palakkad, India - Heavy rush for Nemmara-Vallangi Vela 2008-02-25 - Palakkad, India - Elephant runs amok 2008-02-09 - Palakkad, India - Probe sought into death of jumbos 2008-01-06 - PALAKKAD, India - DFO directive to elephant owners 2008-01-05 - PALAKKAD, India - Recommendations to check torture of elephants 2007-11-28 - PALAKKAD, India - Action sought against Gajamela organisers 2007-11-26 - PALAKKAD, India - Gajamela held in Palakkad 2007-11-12 - Palakkad, India - Love for jumbos turning a burden 2007-09-29 - Palakkad, India - Elephant dies after being hit by train 2005-09-04 - PALAKKAD, India - Kangaroo land invites elephant doc 1997-07-07 - Palakkad, India - A family with a yen for elephants

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ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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