
Development in East Manatee County could impact Hunsader Farms, Myakka Elephant Ranch

2023-02-14 - Myakka City, United States.

Proposed development in East Manatee County could lead to changes at the Myakka Elephant Ranch in Myakka City. Julia Braren said every piece of land is precious in Myakka City. The Myakka Elephant Ranch is home to endangered species of elephants. It also educates guests on conservation efforts. A developer wants to build nearly 5,000 homes and rezone agricultural land. The proposed development would also add new roads.

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Family farm ordinary, except for the elephants

2012-01-06 - Myakka City, United States.

When she’s not on the road, Catherine Carden likes to relax at her family farm in Myakka City. It’s a relatively normal household — with three very big exceptions. There’s Carden, her husband and their two sons, of course. And then there’s the three Asian elephants in the backyard.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Myakka City2023-02-14 - Myakka City, United States - Development in East Manatee County could impact Hunsader Farms, Myakka Elephant Ranch 2012-01-06 - Myakka City, United States - Family farm ordinary, except for the elephants

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