
Mastodon bones discovered during West Michigan road project work

2022-08-12 - Grand Rapids, United States.

Several people are working to unearth mastodon bones in a West Michigan field after they were discovered during a road construction project. The bones are expected to be donated to the Grand Rapids Public Museum.

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Ponderous Performing Pachyderms Showcasing newly learned routines in an awe-inspiring performance. Trained and presented by Patricia Zerbini

Shrine Circus brings troupe of bedazzlers to GR

2007-03-15 - GRAND RAPIDS, United States. Rachael Recker

And as Nicholas Sal, 5 1/2, noticed, there's not only plenty to see and do but plenty to smell. It smells like elephant here, he blurted out near the third ring, where attendees could ride atop an elephant named Janice. Nicholas, with his 3-year-old sister, Kaitlynn, and 32-year-old mother, Sandra, of Allendale, were among the first audience members to settle into Janices red harness. Not a bit nervous and all smiles, they swayed around the ring. It's the one thing I always remembered (from chil...

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Ken & Nicole Red Unit show

2006-10-09 - Grand Rapids, United States. Buckles Woodcock

This just in from KLSDAD who saw the Ken & Nicole Show in Grand Rapids on Sept. 30. He said he enjoyed the show thoroughly, especially after having seen the other unit earlier in the Garden. There are obviously some good acts on the show, Bello Nock is probably the most famous circus personality in America but this picture tells another story, I only count around 20 performers styling, not enough people for a good fist fight.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from Grand Rapids2022-08-12 - Grand Rapids, United States - Mastodon bones discovered during West Michigan road project work 2007-03-15 - GRAND RAPIDS, United States - Shrine Circus brings troupe of bedazzlers to GR 2006-10-09 - Grand Rapids, United States - Ken & Nicole Red Unit show

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