2010-09-26 - Chicago, United States.
For the first time since 1889, there are no elephants in either Chicago zoo. On Wednesday, Brookfield Zoo shipped its lone female, Joyce, to a Six Flags park in New Jersey. Joyce, a 27-year-old African elephant, was lent by Six Flags to Brookfield a year ago as a companion to Christy, a 28-year-old female elephant at the zoo. But Joyce was left alone when Christy became ill and died last December.
2010-06-04 - Chicago, United States.
This summer, visitors can beat Chicago’s heat and chill out while ogling colossal bones at the Field Museum. The exhibit, called “Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age,” focuses on these ancestors of the elephant that roamed Europe, Asia and North America during the Ice Age. Life-size models, fossil tusks, skulls and video installations highlight the differences between mammoths and their shorter, stockier cousins, the mastodons.
2010-03-01 - chicago, United States.
Lyuba, the baby wooly mammoth that goes on display this week at the Field Museum, was preserved almost perfectly intact right down to her baby fat for 42,000 years in frigid Siberian river muck. Now released from her icy grave, she is being preserved in much the same manner as another famous Russian relic, the body of Communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. It is a process called desiccation, removing all moisture from the body tissues.
2010-02-05 - Chicago, Illinois, United States. William Mullen
Home to Share. West Suburbs. Seeking single female roommate for high-spirited, inquisitive middle-age female. Must be African by birth or descent, age not important. Must be social and vegetarian. Trumpeting a plus, the louder the better. Large indoor space. Secure fenced yard, charming mudhole. All meals, clean daily bedding, electricity, heat provided free. That tempting offer might be how Joyce, a 27-year-old African elephant, might word a want ad if she were in charge of finding a companion ...
2010-02-05 - Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Officials at a zoo in the Chicago suburb of Brookfield, Ill., say they are seeking an elephant to serve as a companion to their African elephant, Joyce. The Chicago Tribune said Friday while animal rights groups have openly opposed keeping elephants on display, the Brookfield Zoo is attempting to add another of the large mammals to its collection. Carol Sodaro, Brookfield Zoo's associate curator of mammals, said elephants "are very social animals that live in large herds, with strong bonds and l...
2010-01-12 - Chicago, Illinois, United States. Bob Uphues
When Christy, a 29-year-old African elephant, died at Brookfield Zoo on Dec. 22, 2009 it left the zoo without an elephant of its own for the first time in its 75 year history. And with its only remaining elephant on loan from a California zoo - brought to Brookfield specifically to provide companionship for Christy - it's possible Brookfield Zoo could be without one of its signature animals for a time. Joyce, a 26-year-old African elephant on loan from Six Flag Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Cali...
2009-10-04 - Chicago, United States.
Coming next March to the Field Museum will be a perfectly preserved, 40,000-year-old baby, a little wooly mammoth found on the tundra of northern Siberia by two sons of a reindeer herder. Baby mammoth Lyuba drowned in a mudhole and was soon frozen in the soil which protected her for 40,000 years. Though she's a wooly mammoth, the years eroded the wool, but otherwise she's intact, right down to the food still in her stomach, mostly remnants of mothers milk though that would have soon been changin...
2009-08-10 - Chicago, Illinois, United States.
The newest resident of Brookfield Zoo is described by the staff as a "busybody" who loves splashing water, wallowing in mud and chowing down on oranges, watermelon and cantaloupe, but she's not exactly a kid. Joyce is a 26-year-old African elephant who arrived at the west suburban zoo on Sunday, according to a release from the zoo. The nearly 8-foot, 6,800-pounds pachyderm arrived in a special truck from Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Calif., to become a companion for Christy, the zoo's...
2009-08-04 - Chicago, United States. Joe Fontanetta
"So, Joe, you've been working here almost a year and you haven't even come to meet the girls," he said. He was John, the head elephant keeper at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. "Hey, are you serious?" I asked. Meeting the zoo's two resident female elephants was considered a privilege, and rightly so. "Sure," answered John. "If things slow down a little in the Small Mammal House this afternoon, come on over." Well, even though I'd been a zookeeper for almost a year, I had, as yet, been lucky eno...
2009-05-18 - Chicago, United States. Janice Hoppe
The elephant exhibit in Brookfield Zoo near Chicago is closed until further notice after the death last week of Affie, a 40-year-old African elephant. Officials are still unsure of the cause of death. About 8 a.m. Friday, Affie’s keepers arrived and found her lying on her side indoors not able to stand back up, according to Sondra Katzen, spokeswoman for the zoo. After hours of attempts to get the 10,400-pound elephant on her feet, she died at 2 p.m., Katzen said.
2009-05-17 - Chicago, United States.
The Chicago Zoological Society announced the death of Affie, a 40-year-old African elephant at Brookfield Zoo on Friday afternoon. Despite the staff's efforts to assist the 10,400-pound elephant, Affie died on Friday surrounded by her zookeepers. At 40 years old, Affie was one of the oldest elephants in North America. She was one of the zoo's most popular animals with guests
2009-02-07 - Chicago, United States.
Author John Frederick Walker, who spent five years researching his latest book, Ivory's Ghosts, shares the fascinating and sometimes savage story of ivory’s enormous impact on both human history and that of its most important source—the majestic African elephant. Join John Frederick Walker for an exploration through ivory’s troubled past and its uncertain future—the future of elephants themselves.
2008-11-06 - Chicago, United States. Bob Cline
Ald. Mary Ann Smith (48th) didn’t get what she wanted tonight when she half heartedly agreed to an elephant protection bill that was no where near what she wanted to see in Chicago. Her original request would have eliminated the use of an elephant management tool called an ankus that is used by every elephant Professional throughout the world including Zoos and the Circuses that visit Chicago.
2008-03-17 - Chicago, United States.
Alderman Mary Ann Smith is pushing for a city ordinance that would ban cruelty towards elephants. She came up with the idea last year after three elephants died at the Lincoln Park Zoo, but now it's an issue again because the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is planning its November run at the United Center.
2007-03-31 - Chicago, United States. Lacasse C, Terio K, Kinsel MJ, Farina LL, Travis DA, Greenwald R, Lyashchenko KP, Miller M, Gamble KC. , Lincoln Park Zoo
Mycobacterium szulgai was associated with mortality in two captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) housed at Lincoln Park Zoo. The first elephant presented with severe, acute lameness of the left rear limb. Despite extensive treatments, the animal collapsed and died 13 mo after initial presentation. Necropsy revealed osteomyelitis with loss of the femoral head and acetabulum and pulmonary granulomas with intralesional M. szulgai. The second elephant collapsed during transport to another i...
2007-02-27 - Chicago, United States. Jeff Long
Left behind at a circus training facility after all their elephant pals departed, two pachyderms named Nicholas and Gypsy are heading to a new, sunny home in California, officials said Monday. More than a year after eight female elephants were shipped to Tennessee, Nicholas and Gypsy remained at the controversial farm near Richmond in McHenry County. No zoo or wildlife sanctuary, it seemed, wanted a potentially boisterous male.
2007-01-05 - Chicago, United States. Jeff Long
A year after mistreatment allegations prompted a great elephant exodus from McHenry County, two of the pachyderms, Nicholas and Gypsy, remain at a controversial circus training farm without good prospects for a new home. They were left behind when eight other Asian elephants were moved last January and February from a farm near Richmond to an elephant sanctuary in the rolling hills of Tennessee. It was a 650-mile journey that began after federal investigators accused Hawthorn Corp., the farm's o...
2006-11-28 - CHICAGO, United States. The Associated Press
What do a T-Rex skull, two stuffed elephants and a meteorite from Australia have in common? They are among the more than 20 popular exhibits included in an adopt-an-artifact program begun this month by Chicago's Field Museum. The sponsorships start at $25,000 and run as high as $2.5 million for exclusive association with the two African elephants acquired by the museum in 1909.
2006-11-13 - Chicago, United States. RaeLeann Smith, PETA
Three former Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus employees, including two who worked on the animal crew, will speak out for the first time about how Ringling’s elephants live in fear, are cruelly hooked and beaten, and spend the majority of their time in chains. The three whistleblowers will reveal shocking details about their experiences and will offer commentary on PETA’s video footage taken at Ringling this year—which shows that handlers were abusing elephants with bullhooks and c...
2006-02-23 - Chicago, United States. Leah Hope
Chicago is the city that works and one alderman wants this city to be the one that works for elephants. An ordinance proposed by 48th Ward Alderman Mary Ann Smith to protect the animal attracted global attention at City Hall Thursday. As elephants roam at a sanctuary in Tennessee and visitors stop in awe of the elephants at Brookfield Zoo, a debate rages about what's best for elephants in captivity.
2006-02-22 - CHICAGO, United States.
In an effort to force passage of a city-wide ordinance that would effectively ban elephants from zoos and circuses, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is parading a steady stream of elephant "experts" in front of Chicago reporters. What the media won't hear, however, is PETA's own dismal record regarding the welfare of elephants and other animals.
2005-08-26 - Chicago, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN
Zoo elephants aren't educational -- they're entertainment for bored people, an animal expert testified before a City Council committee Thursday. Furthermore, children could learn more from watching a TV documentary than "two lonely female [zoo elephants] standing in a tiny area,'' said Joyce Poole, who has studied elephants in Africa for 30 years, including as head of the Kenya Wildlife Service.
2005-08-25 - CHICAGO, United States.
An animal behaviorist who has studied elephants for 30 years in Africa told a City Council committee Thursday she believes no zoo can adequately care for elephants without providing several miles of space for them to roam. Alderwoman Mary Ann Smith (48th) has introduced legislation that would require any zoo or other stationary animal exhibit to provide a minimum of 10 acres of space, five acres indoors and five outdoors, per elephant.
2005-07-21 - Chicago, United States.
A zoo association's investigation into why a 36-year-old African elephant collapsed while being trucked from a Chicago zoo to one in Utah where it died, identified "several concerns" but found no gross negligence by the animal's handlers. The animal, named Wankie, was among three African elephants that lived at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park outside Escondido until 2003, when they were moved to Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo. The pachyderms still belonged to the Escondido animal park.
2005-05-14 - Chicago, United States. William Mullen and Jon Yate
Wankie, the last of three Lincoln Park Zoo elephants to die in a six-month period, had an undetected infection that reduced her lung capacity when she was shipped to Salt Lake City--a journey she did not survive. Zoo officials announced Friday that a preliminary pathology report showed Wankie had lung lesions that may have been caused by mycobacterium. Another of the zoo's elephants, 35-year-old Tatima, died in October of an infection of Mycobacterium szulgai, a rare, non-transmissable disease s...
2005-05-02 - CHICAGO, United States.
After two African elephants died within months of each other, officials at Lincoln Park Zoo decided to move Wankie, their sole remaining elephant, to Utah so she could live in a habitat with others of her species. But Wankie's health deteriorated while she was en route to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City and officials there were forced to euthanized her before dawn on Sunday, officials said.
2005-03-10 - Chicago, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN
In a Democratic town like Chicago, the donkeys rule at City Hall. But elephants made an appearance Wednesday as an alderman called for the closing of Lincoln Park Zoo's pachyderm exhibit and for its last occupant to be shipped to a sanctuary. Aldermen have no direct jurisdiction over the zoo. But Alderman George A. Cardenas (12th) said he introduced his resolution in the hope that zoo officials will testify about conditions at the North Side facility. The resolution...
2005-02-18 - Chicago, United States.
A McHenry County circus trainer who federal officials accused of improperly caring for a herd of elephants is negotiating a plan to send his remaining 12 elephants to a Tennessee sanctuary. Talks began this week among Hawthorn Corp., its owner, John Cuneo, and the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tenn., about having the remaining elephants join others from the northeast Illinois farm at the sanctuary. The U.S. Department of Agriculture filed charges in April 2003 th...
2005-01-31 - CHICAGO, United States. TARA BURGHART
The memorial service was held outside, with a few mourners, bunches of flowers and a framed photo of the 55-year-old deceased, an elephant named Peaches. She was the oldest African elephant in an American zoo when she died Jan. 17 at Lincoln Park Zoo. But her death - which came three months after a younger pachyderm named Tatima died at the zoo - has renewed complaints from animal-welfare activists that elephants do not belong in cold-weather zoos.
2005-01-28 - Chicago, United States. Leslie M. Golden, Oak Park, Letters to Chicago Sun Times
The death of two elephants at the Lincoln Park Zoo should come as no surprise. While it is obvious that cold weather is bad for species that have evolved in tropical climates, understanding the death-inducing effect of confinement to concrete cells requires a rudimentary knowledge of physics (I have taught astronomy at the University of Illinois at Chicago). When animals take a step in their natural, sod environment, the concussion felt when the foot lands is muffled. When walking...
2005-01-26 - Chicago, United States. William Mullen, Chicago Tribune
Preliminary laboratory tests have ruled out tuberculosis--a disease that can be transmitted between humans and animals--as cause of death for the two Lincoln Park Zoo elephants who died in recent months, according to results released Tuesday. Zoo officials had suspected that Tatima, a 35-year-old female African elephant, had been tuberculous because of lesions found on her lungs. Test results now show she died of a rare infection with a bacterium similar to TB, called Mycobacteriu...
2005-01-26 - Chicago, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN
With two of her pals now gone, the last remaining elephant at Lincoln Park Zoo is turning to TV for companionship. Cartoons, specifically. Dumbo, perhaps? Peanuts, maybe? Lincoln Park Zoo general curator Robyn Barbiers wasn't sure -- not that show selection matters. The value of TV for an elephant is in the novelty, the movement and the noise, she said. Zoo officials, attempting to keep Wankie sharp after the deaths of her two companions, are using a variety of what...
2005-01-20 - Chicago, United States. William Mullen and Jon Yates
Having lost two of its three elephants in the last three months, Lincoln Park Zoo on Wednesday said it would send the last one to another facility while its staff re-examines the future of its elephant program. Wankie, 35, an African elephant who lost her two female companions, Tatima, 35, in October and Peaches, 55, on Monday, will move from Chicago as soon as an appropriate home can be found for her, zoo officials said.
2005-01-19 - Chicago, United States. ANDREW HERRMANN
North America's oldest captive elephant, brought to Lincoln Park Zoo amid protests that Chicago's climate was too cold, has died. The 55-year-old female African elephant named Peaches was found Monday morning collapsed on the floor of her indoor pen, her eyes unfocused and her breathing "labored,'' officials said. Veterinarians euthanized the animal Monday evening.
2004-10-18 - CHICAGO, United States. Jon Duncanson, cbc2chicago.com
An elephant has died inside Lincoln Park Zoo, and now the health of animal keepers is being closely watched. Tatima, an African elephant, was found dead inside her habitat on Saturday. Zoo officials believe she died of tuberculosis. It will take 12 weeks to confirm whether the elephant had tuberculosis.
2003-06-17 - Chicago, Illinois, United States.
This afternoon, Brookfield Zoo staff was saddened to lose Mame, a 32-year-old African elephant. Mame sustained severe injuries during an encounter with another elephant. Following the encounter, veterinary staff closely observed Mame and determined she had suffered disabling injuries to both her front legs. In the professional opinion of the zoo's veterinary staff, the prognosis for a successful recovery in this type of injury is very poor. Vets and animal collection staff were concerned Mame ...
2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.
In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...
2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.
A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...
2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.
The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...
2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.
A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.
2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.
A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...
2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...