2022-08-21 - Indawgyi, Myanmar.
The owner of the elephant and the elephant were killed when a landmine exploded at the border of Sagaing Region and Kachin State on August 15 according to sources. They stepped on the landmine when a return trip from Mansein village, Homalin Township to Indawgyi. “We had to ask for help from the elders of Shan region as we were in the jungle. As there is no hospital in Seizin, we carried them to Indawgyi. The explosion hit his thigh and lower belly. His younger brother was also injured,” sai...
2022-08-08 - Rhakine, Myanmar. Team Udayadani
A rare white elephant took birth in western Myanmar. The white elephant was born last month in western Rakhine state and currently weighs 180 pounds (80 kilograms) and its height is 2.5 feet (70 centimeters). The mother elephant is 33 years old and her name is Zar Nan Hia. She resides at the Myanma Timber Enterprise in Rakhine state.
2022-01-24 - Bago, Myanmar.
The two-day-old baby male elephant is seen at the Wingabaw Elephant Camp in Bago region, Myanmar on Jan. 23,
2021-01-18 - Taikyi , Myanmar. ZON PANN PWINT
As beaches, hotels, pagodas and even walking tours were starved of tourists for most of last year, the pandemic has also taken its toll on the nation’s many elephant camps – which were once a popular weekend activity for animal lovers. About an hour and a half outside Yangon, Winga Baw Elephant Conservation Camp is one such place. It is a popular place for Yantonites wanting to visit a baby pachyderm sadly orphaned by hunters.
2021-01-04 - Yangon, Myanmar.
Khaing Khin Sein lives at the Myaing Hay Wun Elephant Camp, which is located between Taik Kyi and Okekan township in the Yangon Region. More than 30 elephants reside at the Myaing Hay Wun Elephant Camp, which became a tourist attraction whilst the city’s lockdown orders came into force.
2020-10-27 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
The Yangon Zoo’s most celebrated resident, Momo the elephant celebrated her 67th birthday at a party organised by zoo staff. Now approaching 70, Momo is one of the oldest Asian elephants in the world. Momo first arrived at Yangon Zoo at the age of 7, and has since entertained visitors with her talents for spraying water and kicking footballs.
2020-10-02 - Bago, Myanmar.
Baby elephant Ayeyar Sein trumpets impatiently as a vet prepares her milk bottle and walks cautiously, her front left leg in a splint made of bamboo and cloth bandages. The four-month-old calf was rescued from a hunter's snare trap in the forest of Myanmar's southwest Ayeyarwaddy region last month and is now being looked after by staff at the Wingabaw elepant sanctuary, an hour's drive northeast of Yangon.
2020-09-19 - Yangon, Myanmar.
Yangon Zoo is noted for having Mo Mo, the oldest resident in the zoo, who turns 67 this October. The animal adoption program includes three other female elephants – Myo Myo, Ma Hla Chaw and Ma Chaw Lay. They are fed on 10 pounds of wheat, jaggery, salt and 300 pounds of grass twice a day. The cost of adopting one of these pachyderms is K500,000 for one month. Momo was born in Loikaw in 1953, and arrived in Yangon at the age of seven. Mo Mo is a female elephant, and has never mated with any of ...
2018-08-16 - Yangon, Myanmar. Thi Thi Min
THE first elephant museum in Myanmar will be opened in the museum of natural history in Yangon’s Zoological Gardens at the end of this year, said U Thein Toe, Director of Yangon Region Forestry Department.
2017-01-27 - Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) has called for urgent action to reverse the decline in the wild elephant population of Myanmar, which is being killed at an increasing rate, while securing the future of the country’s former timber-trade elephants, state media reported on 27 January.
2015-11-11 - Taungoo, Myanmar.
We departed for the Bago mountains on a tour up to visit an elephant camp, affiliated with the world renowned Save the Elephant Foundation. The work of SEF Myanmar is not just to help elephants and improve government regulations in regards to animal welfare and the environment, but also to provide education, improved healthcare and employment to the families of mahouts (elephant caretakers) and the poor villagers in the surrounding mountains.
2014-06-01 - Yangon, Myanmar.
"We arrested poachers in 34 cases of elephant slayings last year but we believe there were a lot more deaths," said Aye Myint Maung,deputy minister of environmental conservation and forestry. "There are some areas we can’t reach because of fighting between the government and ethnic rebels," he told dpa. There are 2,500 to 3,000 wild elephants left in Myanmar’s jungles, down from 6,000 in 1960-1970, and 4,639 recorded in a 1991 census, the deputy minister said, citing government estimates.
2014-02-05 - Yangon, Myanmar.
“Simply speaking, smuggling ivory out of the country is increasing. Surveys also show that. As a result, the Forest Department is trying to control it in collaboration with international wildlife preservation organisations,” said the researcher, requesting anonymity. An official from the Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE) called for systematic measures, stating that the increasing illegal ivory trade is a danger to the nation.
2014-02-01 - , Myanmar.
This government-owned camp holding 62 elephants and about 330 local villagers is one of many which are under threat due to upcoming changes in laws that reflect the steady depletion of forests in the country. The local government blames illegal loggers for this, while others are under the opinion that the government carelessly sold land for construction and development purposes to the wrong people. Either way, elephant logging which has been a source of income for many in this country for genera...
2013-11-15 - Yangon, Myanmar.
“There are only around 50,000 Asian elephants in the world,” said elephant expert Khine Oo Maw. “More than 14,000 elephants have been held captive and 40 percent of them are in Myanmar. Besides Asian elephants, there are also white-coloured elephants. These elephants are regarded as white elephants in Buddhist countries.”
2013-11-06 - Yedashe, Myanmar.
The number of tourists visiting Pho Kyar Elephant Camp during the peak season between October and February is expected to increase by as much as 50 percent, camp officials say. Pho Kyar Elephant Camp is located in Yedashe Township, Bago Region. It is situated in the foothills of the Bago Yoma mountain range, lying within the Saing Ya tropical reserve, 10 miles west of Thargaya near Yoma crossing road.
2013-11-03 - Yangon, Myanmar.
The mahout was killed by tusker Yaza Gaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza, 19, who was the first white elephant captured under the junta that ruled Myanmar between 1988 to 2010. Thein Sein, 56, died en route to hospital after being gored accidentally by one of the three white elephants kept at the Royal White Elephant Garden on the outskirts of Yangon, said a garden official. The pachyderm was reportedly moving his massive head up and down when he caught the mahout in the left chest.
2013-10-27 - Yangon, Myanmar. Nirmal Ghosh
The Ministry for Environmental Conservation and Forestry has pledged to reduce its logging by more than 80,000 tonnes this fiscal year. Myanmar will ban raw teak and timber exports by April 1, 2014, allowing only export of high-end finished timber products. MTE says that the private elephant owners contracted by the government will be the first on the chopping block. Saw Moo, a second generation private elephant owner, sees a bleak future for his stable of 20 elephants. He fears the family busin...
2013-10-21 - Pegu, Myanmar.
In January, residents and lawmakers from Irrawaddy Division’s Ngaputaw Township reported the deaths of five elephants within seven months by hunters. Myint Wai, a local resident in Pegu Division, northeast of Rangoon, points to a homemade map of the mountain range, identifying sites where he found the dead carcasses most recently. Some sites are deep in the jungle, he says, adding that he walked for several days to get there. One of the closest sites lies two hours from the highway, over a rou...
2013-04-27 - Mandalay, Myanmar.
In 1920, a young Cornishman, James Howard Williams, arrived here to take up a post with Bombay Burma. His remarkable Boy’s Own adventures in the jungles of Burma are brilliantly captured in his memoir, Elephant Bill. It includes a nail-biting account of him leading the exodus of elephants and refugees across the mountains to India in 1942 as the Japanese advanced across the Chindwin. His elephant companies then returned to pave the way, literally, for Allied tanks, armoured cars and soldi...
2012-03-28 - Naypyidaw, Myanmar.
Kings and leaders in the predominantly Buddhist nation have traditionally treasured white elephants, whose rare appearances in the country are believed to herald good fortune, including power and political change.
2011-11-25 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
Myanmar said it was holding a welcoming ceremony in the capital on Sunday for two white elephants, a five-year-old male from western Rakhine state, while the second was a female aged 15 found in the Irrawaddy region, west of Yangon, another official said.considered symbols of good luck -- after a landmark week for the Army-dominated nation. The recent capture of the pale pachyderms brings the number being held by the government to an auspicious seven, according to an official in the capital Nayp...
2011-11-23 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
The Chinese Buddha sacred tooth relic, after being placed in Nay Pyi Taw for 16-day public obeisance, was conveyed to Yangon´s Maha Pasana Cave in Kaba Aye Pagoda Tuesday for continued public obeisance by Yangon residents. Nearly 50,000 people filled the two sides of the 7-kilometer motor road leading from the airport to the Kaba Aye Pagoda in greeting the tooth relic.
2010-10-23 - Naypyidaw, Myanmar.
MYANMAR state media yesterday hailed the discovery of a fifth white elephant, considered a symbol of good fortune, ahead of elections dismissed by critics as a charade to legitimise military rule. The female pachyderm named Nandawady was sprinkled with holy water in a ceremony that coincided with Thursday´s unveiling of the country´s new flag.
2010-09-24 - Maungdaw, Myanmar. Takaloo
Another rare white elephant was captured on Thursday in the remote jungle of northwestern Maungdaw Township in Burma´s Arakan State, said a forestry official. "The white elephant is 18 years old and her height is 7 feet and 1 inch. After a five-day joint operation by forestry, army, and Nasaka forces, the elephant was finally caught at 11:55 am in the jungle nearby Yan Aung Pyin Village under Kyein Chaung in northern Maungdaw," the official said.
2010-08-10 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
Myanmar´s ruling junta threw a lavish welcome ceremony for a rare white elephant, a traditional symbol of power and prosperity, which was transported from the jungle to the country´s remote capital, state media reported Tuesday. The 38-year-old female elephant was recently captured in the jungles of northwestern Myanmar and transported Monday by boat and truck to Naypyitaw, where it was given the name Bhaddavati, or "One Who is Endowed With Goodness," in a formal naming ceremony, the...
2009-11-19 - Yangon, Myanmar.
The National Geographic Channel is due in Myanmar this month to shoot a documentary on the country's hard-working elephants, sources close to the project said Thursday. They will come here this month to document the state of Myanmar's domesticated elephants - how to catch wild elephants, how to tame and train them, said an official from the politically well-connected Htoo Trading Company, which will facilitate the production.
2009-02-23 - Rangoon, Myanmar.
THIRTEEN years ago, Dr Tin Thein took a small group of foreign tourists into the mountains west of Taungoo. They were interested in seeing Myanma Timber Enterprise elephants clearing trees in the Bago Yoma, and he had the local connections to make it happen. Dr Tin Thein saw a future in the elephant camp trips – and a way help the poor communities who work in the timber industry.
2009-02-11 - Maungdaw, Myanmar.
The number of wild elephants have been increasing in the Mayu Range, located on the Mayu Peninsula between the Naff and Mayu Rivers in western Burma, as elephants from other parts of Burma including the Indian and Bangladesh borders have been moving into the area this cold season, said an official from the forest department.
2008-12-12 - Rangoon, Myanmar.
Myanmar is at the centre of an illegal trade in elephants and ivory, with more than 250 live animals smuggled out of the country in the past decade, a report said Wednesday. Most of the elephants were destined for use in the tourist trekking industry in neighbouring Thailand, said the report by the wildlife trade monitoring network TRAFFIC. Smuggling of live elephants and ivory is in "blatant contravention" of national laws and of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Specie...
2008-09-26 - Yangon, Myanmar.
Wildlife keepers in Myanmar have warned against tendency of move of sanctuary of wild elephants from deep mountain range in western Rakhine state to agricultural field as elephant feed is running short there this year, the local Biweekly Eleven News reported Friday. Such wild elephants are being found shifting from the May Yu mountain range bordering Bangladesh to agricultural farms with crop plantations of local farmers and destroying the plantations for the sake of feed, the report said, calli...
2008-09-23 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
Myanmar [Burma] has taken measures for wildlife conservation by restricting the catching of elephant in the country's Bago Yoma mountain range where most of the animal take sanctuary, the local Weekly Eleven journal reported Tuesday. In order to prevent elephant from extinction in the country, the Myanmar forestry authorities allowed catching of the wild elephants in the mountain range's Hlegu area only once in three years, prescribing the ratio of the elephants caught to be handed over to the a...
2008-03-26 - Naypyidaw, Myanmar.
A first-ever zoological garden was inaugurated in Myanmar’s new capital of Nay Pyi Taw this morning, aimed at providing recreation place for tourists visiting the capital and local people, China’s Xinhua news agency reported. Attached with the opening ceremony were elephant and other animal shows as well as elephant-ride programmes for visitors, reports reaching here said. The zoological garden project, which covers an area of more than 400 hectares and was undertaken by the Ministry of Fore...
2008-02-17 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
Elephants in Myanmar have long been invaluable labourers in the country's timber industry, nimbly finding their way through forests and dragging heavy fallen trees to rivers for shipping. But as Myanmar's ruling junta expands logging in the country's teak forests, more wild elephants are being captured and trained for clear-cutting operations that destroy the very habitats in which they roamed freely, activists and industry insiders say.
2008-02-15 - Yangoon, Myanmar.
First, the civil servants were transferred to Myanmar's newly built capital deep in the countryside. Now, it's time for the rhinos and elephants to move. The military government this week began using cranes and trucks to relocate scores of animals , including elephants, monkeys, birds, rhinos, bears and deer , out of the Zoological Garden in the biggest city, Yangon. Fourteen trucks filled with animals, many stuffed into small cages, were scheduled to depart late Friday for the new capital, Nayp...
2007-10-14 - Rangoon, Myanmar. MICHAEL CASEY
Truckloads of illegal timber cross the Myanmar border to sawmills in China, while markets along the Thai border openly sell bear paws, tiger skins and elephant tusks. Further inland, the repressive military regime plans to dam one of Asia's purest rivers, and allows gold and gem mines to tear up hillsides and pollute groundwater for quick cash. Myanmar has become notorious in the region for ignoring international and its own environmental laws in a single-minded effort to make the money that env...
2007-03-07 - Irrawaddy, Myanmar. Shah Paung
Villagers living near the Pegu Mountains in central Burma have complained that an increasing number of elephants moving through their village has left several people dead, rice and bean crops destroyed, and villagers with no recourse to justice. Local residents say that earlier this week, a group of elephants came into Thayetgone village in Pegu Division and trampled a farmer. It’s not the first time the elephants have caused trouble in the area.
2006-09-27 - Mayu, Myanmar.
Yesterday authorities from Buthidaung Township held a meeting at the Forest Department's office to discuss searching for white elephants in the Mayu Range, which is located among Buthidaung, Maungdaw, and Rathidaung Townships, said an official report. White elephants are exalted by the Burmese community, and Burmese junta has a belief that the presence of a white elephant will bring prosperity and wealth to a country.
2006-04-04 - Yangon, Myanmar.
Elephants that once roamed the mangrove swamps of Myanmar's vast Ayeyarwaddy Delta are headed for extinction, with only two of its kind still alive, a local newspaper said Monday. The two survivors live in the delta's Meinmahla island wildlife sanctuary about 130km south-west of Yangon, the Flower News weekly newspaper said.
2005-10-03 - Yangon, Myanmar. Khin Hninn Phyu
TWO elephants left Myanmar for Germany aboard a special chartered flight on September 27 under an exchange program between the Yangon and Cologne zoos. The two female elephants, Shu Thuzar and Aye Chan May, both about 12 years old, are being exchanged for a breeding pair of white rhinoceroses as well as a male and two female lions.
2005-04-16 - RANGOON, Myanmar.
As military-ruled Burma sinks deeper into economic stagnation, only the country's famed elephants may be assured of jobs. Eighty percent of Burma's 4,000 tame elephants work in the timber industry, moving 700,000 tons of teak and other precious wood for export, which annually brings in more than $300 million. As long as the country depends on the timber industry to get foreign currency, elephants will be crucial, U Aung Myint, an official of a government-owned timber company, recently told the M...
2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.
A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...
2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...