
State of war protects Chad"s last elephants

2013-04-27 - Zakouma National Park, Chad.

In an isolated wilderness in Chad, a war is being fought to save central Africa´s decimated elephant herds from gangs of ivory poachers. The frontline is the southern Zakouma National Park: a 3,000-square-kilometre (1,900-square-mile) sanctuary that has lost 90 percent of its elephants in the last 10 years.

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Killing Spree Slaughters 86 Elephants in Chad

2013-03-19 - , Chad.

Poachers in Chad have slaughtered 86 elephants, including 33 pregnant females, in less than a week. The elephants were killed close to the Chad border with Cameroon and their ivory hacked out. It is the worst killing spree of elephants since early 2012 when poachers from Chad and Sudan killed as many as many as 650 elephants in a matter of weeks in Cameroon´s Bouba Ndjida National Park.

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Saving elephants in Chad

2010-01-15 - Zakouma, Chad. Sean McLachlan

Central Africa is one of the last regions with a sizable population of African elephant, but their numbers are only a fraction of what they used to be. In Zakouma National Park in Chad there are an estimated 600 elephants. Twenty years ago there were 40,000. Zakouma takes up 3,000 square kilometers of savanna in southern Chad and has populations of elephants, giraffes, lions, cranes, and other animals. It's the number one tourist destination in the country and the government is trying to preserv...

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Ivory Wars – Chad’s President personally involved in Saving Africa’s Last Great herds

2010-01-14 - NDjamena, Chad.

Concerned about the increase of poaching in Chad and the loss of some of Africa’s Great elephant herds, President Idriss Déby is personally involved in the fight against poachers.

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Extinction Trade. Endangered animals are the new blood diamonds as militias and warlords use poaching to fund death.

Grim Menagerie. A look inside the global trade in exotic animals

2008-03-01 - Zakouma, Chad. Sharon Begley, NEWSWEEK

The marauders galloped into Zakouma National Park in Chad, the last refuge of that country's once thriving elephant population. Rather than bother with the few remaining elephants, the attackers last May were after the 1.5 tons of ivory—worth as much as $1.3 million—that Chadian officials had seized from poachers over the years and stored in a strongroom at park headquarters. Neither the audacity of the attack nor its brutality—the raiders killed three park rangers—shocked wildlife offic...

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Chad fights back to protect elephants from poachers

2007-06-04 - NDjamena, Chad.

Chads President Idriss Deby Itno has detached 400 regular army soldiers to defend the remnants of a once-thriving elephant population decimated by poachers, the country's top conservation official said. The soldiers are taking positions in and around Zakouma National Park as we speak, Abakar Mahamat Zougoulou, who is in The Hague to attend a meeting of the international body that regulates the trade of endangered species, told AFP on Monday.

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Michael Fay is Saving the Elephants. A Conservationists Lonely Quest to Protect the African Wilderness

campaigning to save African elephants who are in danger of being killed by poachers looking to sell the animals

2007-03-16 - Zakouma, Chad. NED POTTER

Michael Fay grew up very far away from the wilds of Africa, in the relative safety of the New York suburbs. But he has become a passionate advocate of nature, one who knows intimately the wilderness he strives to protect. Now he has taken up the cause of the elephants of Zakouma, a remote region of southern Chad. Zakouma is now a wildlife refuge, and the elephants are safe there, largely, says Fay, because the guards have tacit permission to shoot poachers.

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Poachers Target Elephants in Chad Preserve

2007-02-25 - Zakouma National Park, Chad. Mike Fay

Zakouma National Park, a preserve in southeastern Chad, is home to 4,000 elephants. Sadly, they're not safe from poachers. Mike Fay, who wrote the article "Ivory Wars" for National Geographic, describes the problem. (Listen to mp3 file)

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Poachers kill 100 elephants in Chad-survey

2006-08-31 - Darfur, Chad.

The remains of 100 African elephants killed for their tusks have been found in Chad not far from Sudan`s troubled Darfur region, conservationists said on Wednesday. "A team discovered five separate elephant massacre sites totaling 100 individuals during a survey made August 3-11 from their small plane," Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) said in a statement.

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9 Headlines about Elephants from Chad2013-04-27 - Zakouma National Park, Chad - State of war protects Chad"s last elephants 2013-03-19 - , Chad - Killing Spree Slaughters 86 Elephants in Chad 2010-01-15 - Zakouma, Chad - Saving elephants in Chad 2010-01-14 - NDjamena, Chad - Ivory Wars – Chad’s President personally involved in Saving Africa’s Last Great herds 2008-03-01 - Zakouma, Chad - Extinction Trade. Endangered animals are the new blood diamonds as militias and warlords use poaching to fund death. 2007-06-04 - NDjamena, Chad - Chad fights back to protect elephants from poachers 2007-03-16 - Zakouma, Chad - Michael Fay is Saving the Elephants. A Conservationists Lonely Quest to Protect the African Wilderness 2007-02-25 - Zakouma National Park, Chad - Poachers Target Elephants in Chad Preserve 2006-08-31 - Darfur, Chad - Poachers kill 100 elephants in Chad-survey

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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