
Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2

2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The zoo said Tsuni died Thursday after a sudden, brief battle with elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV). Her EEHV was detected through routine blood testing on Feb. 8, even though she presented no visible clinical signs. The other adult elephants in the ICC herd have sufficiently built up EEHV antibodies as they have aged, so they are at low risk to this disease, the zoo said.

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African Elephant Born at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium’s International Conservation Center

2021-07-28 - Pittsburgh, United States.

It’s a girl! An African elephant calf was born in the early morning hours of July 18th at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium’s International Conservation Center (ICC) in Somerset, PA. Both mother and baby are bonding and doing well. The healthy calf was born at just under three feet tall and weighed in at 218 pounds. This is the first calf for new mom, Sukuri, who had no issues during her pregnancy and is very attentive to her newborn. The pregnancy was a result of natural breeding with resid...

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Pittsburgh Zoo awaits pregnancy news for trio of African elephants

2015-11-07 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Jackson, an African elephant bull, is doing his best to replenish the world´s shrinking pachyderm population, according to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. Jackson has mated with three females that could be pregnant

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International Elephant & Rhino Symposium in Pittsburgh

2013-08-31 - Pittsburgh, United States.

This week the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium hosted the International Elephant & Rhino Symposium, including a session Thursday at the International Conservation Center in Glen Savage. About 150 researchers, scientists and keepers from Africa, Europe and Asia attended the workshops. The last time the Pittsburgh Zoo hosted the symposium was in 1999. The International Conservation Center in Somerset County is believed to be the only one of it’s kind in the world. It’s home to five elephants an...

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Pittsburgh zoo says bull elephant battling disease

2013-08-01 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Officials at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium say a young bull elephant is being treated for a non-contagious autoimmune disease that is preventing skin lesions from healing. Zoo officials announced the illness in a news release Thursday and planned a news conference to provide additional information

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The big freeze. Tackling elephant inbreeding in zoos

2012-03-01 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Pittsburgh Zoo has joined an international effort to establish North America’s first elephant sperm bank. The plan is to distribute from it semen collected from wild elephants in South Africa and frozen. Project Frozen Dumbo, started two years ago and led by a German researcher, has already set up an elephant sperm bank in France in the hope of resolving a similar predicament in Europe.

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Elephant Handler-Farm Hand

2011-10-31 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is seeking experienced elephant keepers who would be interested in joining a progressive elephant management team, utilizing both free and protected contact. The successful candidate´s primary assignment will be at the Zoo’s International Conservation Center just outside of Berlin, Pa., about 100 miles east of Pittsburgh.

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Mammoth blood proteins could be used in major surgery

2011-09-16 - Pittsburgh, United States. Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

The blood from woolly mammoths is helping scientists develop new blood products for medical procedures such as heart and brain surgery. Many such operations require artificial hypothermia to be induced by drastically reducing the patient´s body temperature.

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Pittsburgh zoo still waiting for elephant semen

2011-08-08 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Officials at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium say they´re still waiting for South African officials to ship elephant semen to the United States so the zoo can establish North America´s first elephant sperm bank. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review ( ) says the zoo has been working on the plan for nearly two years, but they´ve had difficulty getting export and import permits for16 liters of semen being stored in the National Zoo´s BioBank in Pretoria, South...

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Elephant breeding topic of conference held at zoo

2010-10-03 - Pittsburgh, United States. Emily Gibb, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A playful squabble between 2-year-olds rolling in the dirt turns rough, so mom steps in because one is sitting on the other´s head. Such antics are a normal occurrence in the elephant yard at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, but this time they were in the international spotlight as the zoo hosts the 31st annual Elephant Managers Association conference this weekend. The EMA is a group of elephant professionals, veterinarians, researchers and enthusiasts, said EMA president Andrew Smith, w...

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31st Annual Elephant Managers Association Conference and Workshop

2010-09-30 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The 31st Annual Elephant Manager’s Association Conference hosted by the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, could very well be one of the most important to date. In today’s internet age, elephant management is now a global effort, and this conference will feature presentations on elephant conservation and management partnerships and collaborations in the US and worldwide.

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Elephants Bette and Kallie won’t be bred at the International Conservation Center in Fairhope, according to zoo officials.

Elephants Bette and Kallie won’t be bred at ICC

2010-02-27 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium announced on Friday that elephants Bette and Kallie will not be bred at the International Conservation Center in Fairhope. The decision was made in consultation with the Philadelphia Zoo and international experts. Bette and Kallie, female African elephants, moved from the Philadelphia Zoo to the Pittsburgh Zoo’s ICC last July and several months later were evaluated as possible candidates for breeding.

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Somerset Elephants

2010-02-12 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Jody Gill

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium staff, in consultation with the Philadelphia Zoo and international experts, has determined that elephants Bette and Kallie will not be bred at their new home at the International Conservation Center (ICC) in Fairhope, Pennsylvania. The two female African elephants moved from the Philadelphia Zoo to the Pittsburgh Zoo’s ICC last July and several months later were evaluated as possible candidates for breeding. “Our first and foremost concerns are the short an...

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Pittsburgh Zoo elephant Jackson fathers his eighth calf

2009-08-14 - Pittsburgh, United States. Allison M. Heinrichs

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium's prolific bull elephant is a father for the eighth time, the zoo confirmed today. Jackson's latest offspring is a 251-pound female born at the Hogle Zoo in Utah on Monday. She and her mother, Christie, are doing well. Last year, Jackson became father to two calves at the Pittsburgh Zoo, females Angeline and Zuri.

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Two Female Elephants Move To Pittsburgh Zoo"s ICC

2009-07-27 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.

Two of the Philadelphia Zoo's female elephants are getting used to their new home at the Pittsburgh Zoo's International Conservation Center. Bette and Kallie are said to be doing well so far and will be introduced to the outside yards soon. "Both Bette and Kallie are doing very well," says Dr. Barbara Baker, president and CEO of the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. "They started to explore the elephant barn almost immediately and love to be in the sand arena." Currently the two elephants are bein...

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Pittsburgh Zoo Celebrates First Birthdays Of Baby Elephants

2009-07-16 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.

Thursday was a big day for the elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium. They're celebrating two birthdays. Angeline and Zuri were born last July. The first year of life is critical for elephants to grow and learn and both Angeline and Zuri are doing very well. The zoo said the little pachyderms have reached several major milestones. "They are eating solid foods, using their trunks to pick up objects, and learning simple commands such as ‘come here and stop,’ says Willie Theison, ele...

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Elephants Are Waiting For Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium"s Millionth Visitor

2008-12-10 - Pittsburgh, United States. Tacy Gray

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is roaring: You could be the 1,000,000th visitor! The Zoo’s current annual attendance is at 989 (Monday, December 8 2008) and counting. As a way to encourage everyone to visit the Zoo within the next couple of weeks and reach our goal, the 1,000,000th visitor to walk through the gates will receive a lifetime Zoo Membership, a $500 shopping spree at the Zoo’s gift shops, and a behind-the-scenes tour for ten people. The 1,000,000th visitor also will receive re...

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Party with the pachyderms at Macy"s Elephant Day

2008-09-21 - Pittsburgh, United States. Kellie B. Gormly

Guests at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium on Sunday can help zookeepers pamper and honor the zoo's eight elephants, especially the two baby females born in July, in a party just for the pachyderms. Macy's Elephant Day, an event in its eighth year, brings a special excitement this year, because with the two new calves -- Angeline and Zuri -- it's like a belated birthday party, with an added cuteness factor, zoo officials say. Guests will watch the keepers feed a special carrot or banana nut cak...

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Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium: Elephant Handler/Farm Hand

2008-08-20 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is seeking experienced elephant keepers that would be interested in joining a progressive elephant management team, utilizing both free and protected contact. The successful candidates primary job assignment will be at the zoo’s International Conservation Center just outside of Berlin, PA about 100 miles east of Pittsburgh. We will also require a moderate amount of time spent at the zoo’s facility in Pittsburgh to facilitate the development of a ve...

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Willie Theison, elephant manager at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium.

Patricia Sheridan"s Breakfast With ... Willie Theison

2008-08-18 - Pittsburgh, United States. Patricia Sheridan, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Willie Theison, renowned elephant manager at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, oversaw the birth of two baby elephants (Angelina and Zuri) within weeks of each other in July. He was involved with a recent National Geographic special looking at elephants in India and the conflict between them and the human population.

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Pittsburgh Zoo Officials Name Newest Baby Elephant

2008-07-31 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium announced the name of its second baby elephant today. The baby, born on July 25th, has been named Zuri. "We saw our visitors coming in to the barn and they would say, 'Oh, she's beautiful,' or 'Oh, she's pretty,' or 'Oh, she's gorgeous,' and she is actually a little bit of a pink coloration," said the zoo's Dr. Barbara Baker, "and so the staff went into books and looked up what was Swahili or African for 'pretty' and 'beautiful' and came up with the name Zuri."

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Pittsburgh Zoo Welcomes 2nd New Baby Elephant

2008-07-25 - Pittsburgh , United States.

A baby elephant was born at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium at 5:30 this morning. The baby and its 25-yer-old mother, Moja, are healthy and bonding well, zoo officials said. It’s the second successful birth of an elephant at the zoo this month. On July 9, Savannah, another 25-year-old African elephant, gave birth to a female. The zoo has not named that elephant, which weighed more than 200 pounds at birth.

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Petal won"t pack her trunk to Pittsburgh

2008-06-10 - Pittsburgh, United States. Allison M. Heinrichs

The oldest African elephant in a U.S. zoo won't be coming to Western Pennsylvania for her retirement. Petal, 52, died at the Philadelphia Zoo Monday morning. She was scheduled to come to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium's International Conservation Center in Somerset County with two other elephants at the end of the summer. "They called and let us know right away," said Pittsburgh Zoo spokeswoman Tracy Gray. "It doesn't change anything on our end. The plan to relocate the other two elephants is...

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Handlers at zoo think elephants will give birth soon to two girls

2008-06-05 - Pittsburgh, United States. Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Willie Theison, elephant manager at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, shows some affection to Nan, one of two pregnant elephants at the zoo.Two new elephants will soon be born at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, one maybe this weekend and probably within the next week, and the second also possible at any time. The pachyderm bundles of joy -- each expected to tip the baby scales at more than 200 pounds -- will be born to two 25-year-old females, Moja and Savannah, also known as Nan, impregnate...

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Zoological Society of Pittsburgh: Elephant Handler/Farm Hand

2008-05-22 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is seeking experienced elephant keepers that would be interested in joining a progressive elephant management team, utilizing both free and protected contact. The successful candidates primary job assignment will be at the zoo’s International Conservation Center just outside of Berlin, PA about 100 miles east of Pittsburgh. We will also require a moderate amount of time spent at the zoo’s facility in Pittsburgh to facilitate the development of a versatile an...

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Video: 2 Pittsburgh Zoo Elephants Expected To Give Birth Soon

2 Pittsburgh Zoo Elephants Expected To Give Birth Soon

2008-05-16 - Pittsburgh, United States.

The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium is beginning to resemble a maternity ward. Days after the birth of a baby tiger, the zoo is just weeks away from the arrival of not one but two baby elephants. This is the first time that two of the zoo's elephants will deliver within a month of each other. The first one could come as early as May 28. After 22 months gestation, it has been a long wait, zoo officials said.

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Veterinarian Dr. Andy Stadler, center, performs a sonogram on Moja, a 25 year-old African Elephant, who is carrying a 16 month old baby at the Pittsburgh Zoo in Pittsburgh

Photo from AP Photo

2008-01-24 - Pittsburgh, United States. Gene J. Puskar

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008. Moja is one of two elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo expected to deliver in late May after a 24 month gestation.

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Elephant birthday party a ginormous event

2007-09-13 - Pittsburgh, United States. Kellie B. Gormly

Macys Elephant Day activities at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium will make a party of ginormous proportions for elephants Victoria and Callee, who were born on Sept. 12 and 19, respectively. The elephants are a year apart in age: Victoria will be 8, and Callee will be 7.

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Dayton Baker

Zoo hires its presidents husband. Dayton Baker will manage the new elephant breeding farm

2007-08-14 - Pittsburgh, United States. Lillian Thomas

The man in charge of mowing the grass, building elephant breeding stalls and helping to raise a few million dollars for the Pittsburgh Zoo's new Somerset County facility has close ties to top management. Dayton Baker, husband of zoo president Barbara Baker, has been named farm manager for a former hunting ranch that's to become a breeding facility for African elephants, the zoo announced yesterday. The 724-acre International Conservation Center is to become home to up to 20 elephants.

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Pittsburgh Zoo touts bull elephant as most prolific

2007-06-17 - Pittsburgh, United States. Allison M. Heinrichs

Fathering offspring he's never met in multiple states probably won't earn Jackson a "world's best dad" coffee mug anytime soon. But he is getting recognition as one of the nation's biggest fathers. The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium's bull elephant holds the record for fathering the most calves at U.S. zoos. Just in time for Father's Day, the Louisville Zoo announced that paternity tests revealed Jackson, 28, to be the father of Scotty, a male elephant born at the Kentucky zoo in March.

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Elephant sonograms on display at Pittsburgh Zoo

2007-03-29 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Seing a pregnant elephant is one thhing. Seing inside an elephants womb is something completely different.

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2007-03-27 - Pittsburgh, United States. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is looking for a Relief Keeper for the Elephant/Ungulates section of our Mammal department. This position is full-time and eligible for full employee benefits after a 90-day probationary period. The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is seeking an experience elephant keeper that would be interested in joining a progressive elephant management team, utilizing both free and protected contact.

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Ultrasound picture

Photos show Pittsburgh Zoo baby elephants in wombs

2007-02-20 - Pittsburgh, United States. Allison M. Heinrichs

They already have trunks. The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium revealed a first glimpse of its elephant babies, more than a year before the new arrivals are expected to get their first view of the world. The zoo showed off ultrasound videos of the approximately 4-month-old elephant fetuses carried by its two pregnant elephants at a media event Tuesday morning.

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2 Pittsburgh Zoo Elephants Expecting Babies

2007-02-16 - PITTSBURGH, United States.

The elephant population at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium is about to get a little larger. On Friday, zoo officials confirmed that two of the zoo's elephants are pregnant. Nan and Moja are expected to give birth in May or June of 2008. Officials said the zoo's bull elephant, Jackson, is the father to both.

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Dan Koehl by footcare at Circus Krone in germany 2001

Zoo confinement gives elephants problem feet

2006-11-17 - PITTSBURGH, United States. Barry Newman, The Wall Street Journal

The Animal and Plant Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking advice from the public on what to do about problem feet in elephants. The deadline for sending in ideas is Dec. 11. Hundreds have already arrived. Such as: "Elephants' feet are being destroyed by their confined environment." "They should be able to walk on grass, not concrete." "Some elephants never need their toenails trimmed and some elephants need them continuously trimmed."

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Zoo Hopes To Save Elephants From Extinction. Elephants will be making their way to Somerset County in about two years.

2006-01-09 - Pittsburgh, United States. Jennifer Antkowiak

KDKAs Jennifer Antkowiak reports that at least 20 elephants will be moving in to a big ranch. Elephants are critically endangered in the wild and in captivity. The Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium hopes to turn things around by banking on their own world renowned success with the care and breeding of African elephants. The zoo is ready to set up a conservation center on a 724 acre ranch off of Route 31 in Somerset County.

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Baby elephant born at Disney"s Animal Kingdom zoo

2005-12-23 - Pittsburgh, United States.

Jackson, the 27-year-old, 11,000-pound bull elephant who lives at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, became a father again on Monday. Donna, an elephant at Disney's Animal Kingdom, gave birth to a 233-pound female calf conceived two years ago with Jackson. The calf is doing well, according to Disney officials. The new calf is the fourth of Jackson's offspring.

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Woman attacked by elephant - Fair turns foul for woman after elephant encounter

2005-08-27 - Pittsburgh, United States. Dwayne Pickels,

A North Huntingdon Township woman says her first trip to the Westmoreland Fair ended in pain after a four-ton circus elephant grabbed her wrist with its trunk. "I guess I was just the unlucky one," Ellisha Long said Friday, nursing a bad sprain. Long, 18, said she and her boyfriend, Steve Parsons, went to the fairgrounds in Mt. Pleasant Township Thursday evening and stopped by Wambold's Circus Menagerie at 8:35 p.m.

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Pittsburgh Zoo"s "elephant whisperer" Willie Theison uses polite requests to keep behemoths in line

2005-07-03 - Pittsburgh, United States. Linda Wilson Fuoco, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

He walks amid giants without fear or trepidation. He doesn't bully or hit his charges, who are the six elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium. The smallest, a bull calf named Calee, weighs about 3,000 pounds. The largest, a bull named Jackson, weighs more than 10,000 pounds. Willie Theison doesn't give orders. He makes polite requests. "Move up," Theison says, inviting elephants, one at a time, to line up for daily baths. His voice, soft and calm, is louder than a whisper, but not by muc...

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Elephants find love at the zoo

2004-09-25 - Pittsburgh, United States. Michelle K. Massie, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Jack is back and he's looking for love.

Jack, whose full name is Jackson, is a 10,400-pound African male elephant and the only naturally breeding bull in the United States.

Due to his acclaim, Jack has made his rounds around the country, most recently at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Florida, mating with willing adult female elephants. Since May, he's been back at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium.

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Pittsburgh Zoo:Elephant barn set to reopen

2002-11-29 - Pittsburgh, United States. David Conti

Visitors to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium on Saturday will get their first chance to see the elephants since one of the animals killed a trainer earlier this month. Gatti, 46, of Butler, was crushed to death by a 6,200-pound mother elephant called M. on Nov. 18 as he led the animal and its calf on a routine walk around the zoo. The elephant exhibit has been closed since the incident as federal authorities and former elephant manager Theison investigated.

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Mike Gatti stands with elephants in a photo taken at the zoo on Saturday. The elephant at right was not the 20-year-old female responsible for Gatti

Elephant kills keeper Mike Gatti at Pittsburgh zoo. 1st human fatality at facility

2002-11-19 - Pittsburgh, United States. Ann Belser and Marylynne Pitz

On mornings when weather permits, elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo are brought out of their enclosure to walk with their keepers around the grounds. Yesterday, two keepers were about halfway around the zoo with a 20-year-old mother elephant and her 3-year-old female calf when the mother elephant stopped near the Northern Shores Cafe building. When the keeper urged her to move along, the elephant butted him and pinned him to the ground with her head, crushing him. The trainer, Mike Gatti, 46, an e...

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Pittsburgh Zoo worker Michael Gatti dies after being pinned by elephant

2002-11-18 - Pittsburgh, United States.

An elephant keeper at the Pittsburgh Zoo died this morning after a 6,200-pound elephant pinned him to the ground, zoo officials announced. An autopsy is scheduled Tuesday on the body of Michael Gatti, 46, of Plank Road, Butler, authorities said. Two zoo keepers were taking the elephant and her calf on a routine walk through the Zoo grounds this morning, when the mother suddenly stopped. Gatti told the elephant to keep moving. But she knocked him to the ground with her head and then pinned him to...

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40 Headlines about Elephants from Pittsburgh2024-02-15 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium’s elephant calf dies at age 2 2021-07-28 - Pittsburgh, United States - African Elephant Born at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium’s International Conservation Center 2015-11-07 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo awaits pregnancy news for trio of African elephants 2013-08-31 - Pittsburgh, United States - International Elephant & Rhino Symposium in Pittsburgh 2013-08-01 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh zoo says bull elephant battling disease 2012-03-01 - Pittsburgh, United States - The big freeze. Tackling elephant inbreeding in zoos 2011-10-31 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephant Handler-Farm Hand 2011-09-16 - Pittsburgh, United States - Mammoth blood proteins could be used in major surgery 2011-08-08 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh zoo still waiting for elephant semen 2010-10-03 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephant breeding topic of conference held at zoo 2010-09-30 - Pittsburgh, United States - 31st Annual Elephant Managers Association Conference and Workshop 2010-02-27 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephants Bette and Kallie won’t be bred at ICC 2009-08-14 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo elephant Jackson fathers his eighth calf 2008-12-10 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephants Are Waiting For Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium"s Millionth Visitor 2008-09-21 - Pittsburgh, United States - Party with the pachyderms at Macy"s Elephant Day 2008-08-20 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium: Elephant Handler/Farm Hand 2008-08-18 - Pittsburgh, United States - Patricia Sheridan"s Breakfast With ... Willie Theison 2008-07-31 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo Officials Name Newest Baby Elephant 2008-07-25 - Pittsburgh , United States - Pittsburgh Zoo Welcomes 2nd New Baby Elephant 2008-06-10 - Pittsburgh, United States - Petal won"t pack her trunk to Pittsburgh 2008-06-05 - Pittsburgh, United States - Handlers at zoo think elephants will give birth soon to two girls 2008-05-22 - Pittsburgh, United States - Zoological Society of Pittsburgh: Elephant Handler/Farm Hand 2008-05-16 - Pittsburgh, United States - 2 Pittsburgh Zoo Elephants Expected To Give Birth Soon 2008-01-24 - Pittsburgh, United States - Photo from AP Photo 2007-09-13 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephant birthday party a ginormous event 2007-08-14 - Pittsburgh, United States - Zoo hires its presidents husband. Dayton Baker will manage the new elephant breeding farm 2007-06-17 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo touts bull elephant as most prolific 2007-03-29 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephant sonograms on display at Pittsburgh Zoo 2007-03-27 - Pittsburgh, United States - ELEPHANT/UNGULATES RELIEF KEEPER 2007-02-20 - Pittsburgh, United States - Photos show Pittsburgh Zoo baby elephants in wombs 2007-02-16 - PITTSBURGH, United States - 2 Pittsburgh Zoo Elephants Expecting Babies 2006-11-17 - PITTSBURGH, United States - Zoo confinement gives elephants problem feet 2006-01-09 - Pittsburgh, United States - Zoo Hopes To Save Elephants From Extinction. Elephants will be making their way to Somerset County in about two years. 2005-12-23 - Pittsburgh, United States - Baby elephant born at Disney"s Animal Kingdom zoo 2005-08-27 - Pittsburgh, United States - Woman attacked by elephant - Fair turns foul for woman after elephant encounter 2005-07-03 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo"s "elephant whisperer" Willie Theison uses polite requests to keep behemoths in line 2004-09-25 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephants find love at the zoo 2002-11-29 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo:Elephant barn set to reopen 2002-11-19 - Pittsburgh, United States - Elephant kills keeper Mike Gatti at Pittsburgh zoo. 1st human fatality at facility 2002-11-18 - Pittsburgh, United States - Pittsburgh Zoo worker Michael Gatti dies after being pinned by elephant

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