Stud: Bong Su is set to become a father three times over. Picture: Andrew Tauber.

Bong Su the elephant is set to become a father

2009-02-21 - Melbourne Zoo, Australia. Eleni Hale

Bong Su, the elephant responsible for impregnating Melbourne Zoo's new mother Kulab, now could father dozens of calves across the globe after keepers developed a method of exporting his sperm, thanks to the donation of a sperm-freezing machine from the German Government. The Asian elephant, 36, who keepers describe as "easygoing" and "extremely attractive", has a mind-boggling sperm count of up to 2.5 billion per millilitre compared with the average of 800 million per millilitre.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Melbourne Zoo2009-02-21 - Melbourne Zoo, Australia - Bong Su the elephant is set to become a father

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