
Kenya: Third Elephant Killed in Laikipia Conservancy

2015-04-09 - Laikipia, Kenya.

ANOTHER elephant has been killed by poachers at Naigera area of Engelesha Forest in the Laikipia Nature Conservancy, Laikipia county. Conservancy director Kuki Gallmann said the elephant´s tusks were hacked off by the poachers, who struck on Monday. This brings to three the number of elephants killed at the conservancy this year by poachers. "It was shot on the right front leg, right side, back and right ear," she said. The killing of the 20-year-old animal occurred a hundred metres away f...

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Man killed by stray elephant

2008-09-01 - Laikipia, Kenya. KNA

An elderly man has been killed by a stray elephant in Laikipia North district. Laikipia OCS James Kithuka said Pipitano Ole Rosoyo, 70 was crossing the Mpala ranch when he was attacked by the rogue elephant on Sunday. Kithuka said the elderly man was trampled on before being thrown into a dam. It is suspected the elderly man chanced upon the elephant as it was drinking water from the dam. The body was taken to Nanyuki hospital district mortuary. Kithuka appealed to Wananchi in the three district...

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GSM technology to help tame marauding elephants

2008-05-28 - Laikipia, Kenya. Rebecca Wanjiku

For the farmers living around Mount Kenya Forest, every day is a struggle, wondering whether the 5,000 elephants from the forest will "visit" and leave a trail of destruction and even death. But the days of living in fear may be over, thanks to new technology that will enhance communication between local communities and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). In the past, when rogue elephants broke from the forest, they destroyed farm land and the only thing farmers could do was scream and report the ...

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Branson meets Kenyan tribespeople

Bransons new jumbo service

2007-06-03 - Laikipia, Kenya.

Sir Richard Branson announced a new type of jumbo service yesterday – he is donating £125,000 to help build a corridor in Kenya's Laikipia game reserve to allow elephants to migrate safely. The £500,000 trunk road will preserve traditional migratory routes and includes tunnels which will allow elephants to cross busy highways safely.

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Villagers dig trench to keep elephants at bay

2005-09-09 - Laikipia, Kenya. Michuki Ngamau

For a long time residents of Laikipia District have been in conflict with elephants. The wild animals have killed, maimed and wrecked havoc on private farms. Now, the locals have resolved that enough is enough. The community is digging a 42km-long moat around their homesteads. The trench will cut off Bondeni, Siron, Mutamaiyu, Limunga and Kianugu in Rumuruti Division from the reach of the animals.

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5 Headlines about Elephants from Laikipia2015-04-09 - Laikipia, Kenya - Kenya: Third Elephant Killed in Laikipia Conservancy 2008-09-01 - Laikipia, Kenya - Man killed by stray elephant 2008-05-28 - Laikipia, Kenya - GSM technology to help tame marauding elephants 2007-06-03 - Laikipia, Kenya - Bransons new jumbo service 2005-09-09 - Laikipia, Kenya - Villagers dig trench to keep elephants at bay

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