2024-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.
African elephant Punda has become the mother of a healthy elephant calf after a 22-month pregnancy. This is the third calf born in the Safari Park Beekse Bergen k in four months. Never before have three African elephants been born in a European zoo in such a short time. The young elephant is a girl and has been named Tendai.
2023-04-18 - Beekse Bergen, Netherlands.
Safari park Beekse Bergen is looking forward to welcoming three baby African elephants this year. Elephant bull Yambo impregnated Pina-Nessi, Punda, and Bongi, the safari park said. Punda is the matriarch of the Beekse Bergen herd. She is 31 and pregnant with her fifth calf. “Punda is the biggest elephant cow of the herd with the biggest tusks. She has a really calm character.” Pina-Nessi is nine years old, and Bongi is 17. Both are pregnant with their first calves. The park described Pina-N...
2020-11-27 - Haag, Netherlands.
The fate of the Netherlands’ last circus elephant lies in the hands of farm minister Carola Schouten, who will decide next week if the animal should stay with the circus family who own her, or if she should be moved to a sanctuary in France. MPs are due to vote on the issue on Tuesday after a motion was filed by CDA MP Martijn van Helvert and the anti-immigration PVV to halt the move. They argue it would be cruel to move the elephant to a new location.
2020-09-29 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dr. M (Mirte) Bosse
Researchers from the Animal Breeding and Genomics group at Wageningen University & Research now join forces with studbook keepers from Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp) by performing DNA research to facilitate proper management of captive populations. In a recent kickoff meeting both institutions laid the foundation for future collaborative research.
2020-06-08 - Utrecht, Netherlands. Angkawanish, Taweepoke, Utrecht University
Our study, three reacted positive in a serological test (TB STAT Pak, Chembio). In serum of one of these, antibodies were found retrospectively, 23 months prior to bacterial culture from trunk wash samples. Sequence analysis of M. tuberculosis isolates from the four animals classified them as ancient strains (n=1) based on presence of a M. tuberculosis specific deletion (TbD1) and modern strains (n=3) identical to M. tuberculosis ATCC 2794.
2013-08-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The female Asian elephant baby was born this morning at 5 AM at the outside habitat. Mother is Throng Nhi born 2003 in Rotterdam (her father Alexander was born 1978 in Tel Aviv Zoo), father is Timber. Timber was born in Rotterdam 1998, Timbers father Ramon was born 1970 in Hannover Zoo, Germany.
2012-11-13 - Emmen, Netherlands.
A mother elephant, her two sons and a daughter are to be found a new home by Emmen zoo officials after a power struggle within the herd. The problems began earlier this year when the matriarch of the herd died and two rival strands of the family began fighting it out for control. The dispute has become so serious that the two groups cannot exercise at the same time and have to be kept separated, Nos television said.
2012-01-25 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
An elephant at Amsterdam’s Artis zoo has become the first elephant in Europe to be fitted with a contact lens. Her eye was injured during a scuffle with another elephant, the zoo says. Asian elephant Win Thida’s eye began streaming and she was evidently having trouble keeping it open because of the pain. Vet Anne-Marie Verbruggen was called in, and an examination revealed that the elephant’s cornea had been damaged, most likely by a twig.
2011-10-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.
The Rotterdam Zoo in association with the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) would like to invite you to participate in the 2011 Elephant and Rhino Research and Conservation Symposium scheduled for October 10-14, 2011 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This year IEF welcomes to the elephant symposium our colleagues working with all species of rhinos, both in human care and in the wild. Elephants and rhinos face similar problems in the wild (habitat loss and poaching), and many animal managers, ...
2011-02-10 - Emmen, Netherlands.
The Emmen Zoo in the Netherlands celebrated the birth of a male calf on February 6, the second to be born in the outdoor exhibit with the herd. The calf was the fourth for the thirty year old Burmese cow Htoo Yin Aye. It was sired by the zoo’s breeding bull Radza. The forty four year old male arrived at Emmen in 2003 from Latvia. Since his arrival, he has sired twelve calves. The new calf brought the zoo’s herd size to thirteen, seven of which are males.
2010-07-21 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Rotterdam´s Blijdorp Zoo has announced the welcome addition of another elephant. The calf weighed in at 75 kilograms which zoo authorities say is "on the small side". Despite this, the baby was up on its feet and suckling less than two hours after birth.
2010-02-18 - Emmen, Netherlands.
The elephant attendants of animal park Emmen found gisterochtend elephant Swe San Thay inanimately in the stable. Nor to the body of the elephant, nor to camera pictures, which are at night made in the stable, is see something what can an indication for the cause of death be. The elephant has been transmitted for section to the department animal medicine of the university of Utrecht. Swe San Thay (Burmese for golden abundance) were one of the seven Asian elephants, which came in 1988, from Burma...
2009-12-05 - Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ron Callari
"Twelephants" is a unique campaign that seeks to provide a safe haven for 100,000 elephants in the Elephant Corridor of Africa. In an interview recently conducted with Femke Hulsenbek, Pifworld's program officer, she noted that "Twelephants is one of the most ambitious projects on the Pifworld platform...established to raise awareness for the Elephant Corridor, enabling elephants in Botswana to roam freely across the border to Zambia."
2009-11-10 - Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Indra of Amersfoort got a baby around 5:30 am this morning. According the the official website of the zoo everything seems to be fine. Gender is unkown yet. Indra got her baby in the new barn. She stood there together with Mimi while her moter was separated in one of the boxes. The public can watch the new baby in the new barn.
2009-09-17 - Museumplein, Netherlands.
From September onwards, a hundred full size art elephants will swarm the streets of Amsterdam: together, they form a remarkable open-air exhibition, the Elephant Parade, that is dedicated to the Asian elephant. After the successful editions in Rotterdam and Antwerp, the exhibition in Amsterdam will be the largest so far. The Elephant Parade is founded by father and son Mike and Marc Spits. With their project, they aim to raise attention for the Asian elephant, that is threatened with extinction.
2009-05-20 - Safaripark Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.
On behalf of the Leibniz Institut for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) we wish to extend a cordial invitation to you to participate in the: "International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2009", between 20th and 24th May 2009. The Conferece will be held at the Safaripark Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands
2009-03-02 - Emman, Netherlands.
Film showing the female asian elephant Annabel in Emmen Zoo, Netherlands, after she fell down in the in the dry moat and could not get out by herself. After several attempts to help, zoo staff brought in a crane to lift her out. Unable to stand and in shock, the decision was made to euthanize the zoo's oldest elephant.
2009-03-01 - Emmen, Netherlands. RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE
A breakdown truck was called to Emmen Zoo on Sunday to rescue an elephant that had fallen into a ditch. The 42-year-old Annabel fell into the dry ditch that surrounds the elephant compound at 4.00 p.m. She landed on her side and was unable to climb back out by herself. After she was lifted out of the ditch by the breakdown truck, her rescuers couldn't immediately turn her the right way up. A vet said she was in a state of shock. Although elephants regularly fall into the ditch surrounding their ...
2008-09-04 - Emmen, Netherlands. Martijn Fabrie
A male calf has been born this morning at 11.30 AM in Emmen Zoo. His mother is Mingalar Oo and his father is Radza (father to seven babies, grandfather of 2 babies in Japan). It's the first time in the zoo's history that a birth took place in the outside enclosure.
2008-03-19 - Amsterdam, Netherlands. Artis Zoo (Translation Martijn Fabrie)
Artis is hoping for a new elephant baby next spring. Thong Tai is again pregnant after she gave birth of Yindee in August 2005. Thong Tai has been sired by Nikolai who has been in Artis since 2003. Nikolai is planned to leave Artis on April 1st to Hannover. Six elephants are waiting for him to let them be sired. After Nikolai has left, there will be three elephants left. Thong Tai with here daughter Yindee and Win Thida (38 years old), who has been mother once. (Article in dutch)
2008-03-17 - Hoogeveen, Netherlands.
Animals rights activists claim they have been sprayed with elephant urine by circus employees last Saturday in Hoogeveen. The activists said that employees of Circus Renz Berlin used water pistols to shoot at them. When the police arrived at the scene everything was quiet again, although a threatening atmosphere was still lingering in the air according to an unnamed police spokesperson. The police confiscated one water gun that contained a “foul smelling substance”.
2008-03-03 - Emmen, Netherlands.
The new born elephant in Emmen Zoo, Netherlands, now has a name: Ananda Yingthway, which means son of the greatest in burmese. Ananda is son to the asian elephant bull Radsch (Radza) who is indeed very big, and have unusually large and beautiful tusks. Anandas mother Htoo Yin Aye was born in Burma (Myanmar).
2008-02-26 - Emmen, Netherlands. Martijn Fabrie
In Dierenpark Emmen in The Netherlands, an elephant has given birth to a male calf. His is name is not known right now. He was born on 25 February 2008. Mother: Htoo Yin Aye, Father: Radza. The newborn elephant weights 130 kg at birth. There's a video from him on the Internet, but it's in Dutch: http://nl.sitestat.com/regio-i/dvhnoorden/s?dvhn.video.dvhn-video20080226Olifantje_Emmen&ns_type=clickout&ns_url=http://wm1.streamzilla.jet-stream.nl/ndcvbk/20080226Olifantje_Emmen.wmv
2008-02-21 - Vlaardingen, Netherlands. Antoinette van de Water
Award award winning Bring the Elephant Home documentary “Return to the Wild” will have its European première on Animal Planet. The documentary shows Antoinette’s journey with the rescued elephants Sri Nuan and Douk Ngern, which was the start of the Bring the Elephant Home foundation. As of yet we can’t give a full schedule for all of Europe, as soon as it is available to us we will put it up here, but we can give these times and dates: United Kingdom: Sun Feb 24 - 21:00 The Nethe...
2008-01-02 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Martijn Fabrie, Netherlands
The unborn child of elephantmother Irma of Zoo Blijdorp isn't likely to live anymore. Employees of the zoo in Rotterdam were counting of a birth around the Christmas and New Year days, but they think the calf is dead by now. Last Friday the the membranes of Irma broke. Normally the delivery will begin and within 48 hours the calf is born. The contractions however didn't start, even after the vetenarian had given her stimulating medicines and massaging the birthchannel.
2007-09-04 - Rotterdam, Netherlands.
One of some 30 elephant sculptures embellishing the centre of Rotterdam was badly vandalised late Sunday night. As yet unidentified persons pulled the painted elephant from its pedestal causing the legs to break. Holes were also made in the elephant’s body. “We assume that they have been dancing and jumping on the elephant,” said Mike Spits, the person who took the initiative for the art project on Monday.
2007-08-09 - Emmen, Netherlands. Emmen Zoo News article
A female asian elephant calf was born yesterday to the bull Radza (imported 2003 from Riga Zoo) and the female Htoo Kin Aye from Burma. The baby was 80kgs, and already has a name; Swe Zin. During the latest 15 years Emmen Zoo had 17 elephant births.
2007-06-14 - The Hague, Netherlands.
Eighteen years after a United Nations-backed treaty banned the ivory trade, African ministers have for the first time achieved a regional consensus on how to address the highly charged issue. Eighteen years after a United Nations-backed treaty banned the ivory trade, African ministers have for the first time achieved a regional consensus on how to address the highly charged issue.
A U.N. wildlife conference extended a 1989 ban on African elephant ivory exports on Thursday by nine years, after sales from stocks, in a pact hailed as a step to safeguard the giant mammals. CITES backed an African plan, agreed after overnight talks among ministers, to crack down on poaching while allowing Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe to make one-off ivory sales. They say their elephant numbers are rising.
2007-06-06 - The Hague, Netherlands.
US-based online commerce site eBay said Wednesday it will ban international trade of elephant ivory on all of its sites around the globe, creating the first-ever online international trade ban of elephant ivory. eBay said the decision followed an eight-country investigation by IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) of ivory for sale on eBay sites.
2007-06-05 - The Hague, Netherlands.
The international body here that regulates trade in endangered plants and animals approved the sale of 60 tons of ivory to Japan over the weekend. The committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), also known as the Washington Convention, agreed to allow Japan to import stockpiled African elephant ivory from Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.
2007-06-05 - The Hague, Netherlands. Anna Mudeva
The large quantity of illegal worked ivory entering the United States from China and Japan is a sign of the strong demand that is contributing to an alarming increase in elephant poaching in Africa. In 2006 alone, experts estimate as many as 23,000 African elephants were illegally killed. There is more worked ivory for sale in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, except for Hong Kong.
2007-06-03 - The Hague, Netherlands.
2007-04-18 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Dan Koehl
The bull Alexander born 1978 in Ramat Gan Zoo Israel (Motek x Warda) was relocated 17th April with police escort from Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam to three waiting females in Antwerp Zoo. All three cows are proven breeders, one even had twins.
2007-04-18 - Delft, Netherlands.
Scientists working for Royal Nedalco, the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and a firm called Bird Engineering have found a fungus in elephant dung that helped them break down fibres and wood into biofuel and produce a yeast which can efficiently ferment wood sugars. "We really see this as a technical breakthrough," business development manager Mark Woldberg from Royal Nedalco, a Dutch alcohol maker, told a biofuels conference on Wednesday.
2007-04-04 - Amersfoort, Netherlands.
A newborn baby elephant in Amersfoort zoo has been trampled to death by its mother Indra. The incident was recorded live on webcam. Zoo officials said pain can make elephants aggressive.
2006-05-13 - Rotterdam, Netherlands. Mafootje
On may 13 at 11:30 a female elephant was born in Rotterdam. She was up on her feet in 3 minutes and was born in between the elephant group. For the mother Douanita this is the first living young she has had, but it's the tenth birth of an elephant in this Rotterdam Zoo. The elephant is named Trong Nhi after a famous Vietnamese female leader.
2006-02-22 - AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.
Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam announced on Wednesday that three of its elephants will be moved to Ireland this year. The herd in Rotterdam zoo is so large the management decided on a 'vertical' split of the group. The three females - Bernhardine, Jasmine and Anak, who is almost three - will be placed in a new enclosure Dublin Zoo is constructing. Bernhardine, 12, was the first elephant to be born in a Dutch zoo. All three elephants are ready to be mothers.
2005-10-02 - Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
A vast array of elephant collectables of the late WWF Founder-President HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was auctioned by Sotheby’s at Het Loo Palace, a former royal residence of the Dutch House of Orange. The ¤379,250 raised from the auction will go to WWF conservation efforts in Borneo. “This auction has risen far more than we ever dared imagine,” said Niek van Heijst, CEO of WWF-Netherlands. “We are extremely pleased that so many people, by buying one of the pri...
2005-08-03 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Yesterday evening the first elephant baby ever was born in Amsterdam's Zoo, Artis. The baby, probably a girl, was born at 22.22 (10.22 pm) in the evening. It is the first elephant ever born in Artis. At this point, the baby can only be seen through the monitoring camera. If nothing happens, mother and baby can be visited on Thursday, between 11am and 1pm, and between 3pm and 5pm.
2005-02-23 - AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.
Dutch customs police have seized a shipment of African elephant body parts, including 22 feet, eight tusks, eight ears, three tails, a skull and an entire hide, officials said Wednesday. The cargo, originating in Zimbabwe and bound for Germany, was halted at Schiphol airport in October without proper licenses. The find was announced this week following an investigation and will be permanently confiscated, spokeswoman Anita Douven said. African elephants are an endan...
2003-10-14 - Emmen, Netherlands.
A Dutch zoo is struggling to cope after being sent the biggest elephant in Europe. Radza, a male elephant, has been loaned to Emmen Zoo to breed with its female elephants. But it is far bigger than the zookeepers expected and has been destroying the elephant cages. Razda, which is owned by Riga Zoo, Latvia, is more than 10ft high and weighs 7.2 tonnes.
2003-02-20 - Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands. Press release
Wednesday morning the 19th of February 2003, Perry Haans (36), one of the elephant keepers at Safari Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek, the Netherlands was injured badly by an elephant during his daily work. He was immediately taken to the nearby hospital where he died late that evening.
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