The one-tusked elephant constantly struggles after it is tied to a tree. It is later shot with a tranquiliser gun. But Malaysia

Determined elephant just won"t give up

2008-06-05 - Segamat, Malaysia.

THEY thought their job was almost done. Shoot the rogue elephant with a tranquiliser dart and wait for it to drop. But Malaysia's Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) team suffered a momentary scare when one of two wild elephants pulled out the dart with its trunk. Sent to Segamat, Johor to capture the two beasts, Perhilitan's elephant capture unit started searching for the pair of wild male elephants on 21 May, reported China Press. And just a week later, they found them, runn...

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The elephant lying by the side of the tracks was fed sugarcane while awaiting aid from Wildlife Department officers and doctors from the Veterinary Services Department.

Elephant hit by train breaks legs, lands in ravine

2007-05-27 - Segamat, Malaysia. Junita Mat Rashid

An elephant crossing a railway line in Bekok early yesterday sustained two broken hind legs when it was hit by a train. The impact of the collision flung the animal, believed to be 10 years old and weighing about a tonne, into a 15m ravine near the tracks. It is understood it would be put to sleep if efforts to save it failed. The train, which started its journey from Kuala Lumpur, was heading for Singapore when the incident happened at 4.50am. On Nov 2, 2004, two 4.5 tonne female elephants die...

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Two elephants hit by train die

2004-11-03 - SEGAMAT, Malaysia. MAIZATUL NAZLINA, The Star

Two female elephants crossing a railway track were hit and killed
by a passenger train travelling to Johor Baru from Kuala Lumpur, here on
Monday evening.

They were with four other elephants, which escaped unhurt, and all six are
believed to have come out from the Endau-Rompin part of Taman Negara in
Sungai Karas, Labis.

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3 Headlines about Elephants from SEGAMAT2008-06-05 - Segamat, Malaysia - Determined elephant just won"t give up 2007-05-27 - Segamat, Malaysia - Elephant hit by train breaks legs, lands in ravine 2004-11-03 - SEGAMAT, Malaysia - Two elephants hit by train die

24 years on Internet!

ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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Extern Link Read about Kaziranga unspecified elephant camp in the Elephant Database

TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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Extern Link Read about M. R. Palayam Elephant Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (ERRC), in the Elephant Database

A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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