A policeman arranges seized elephant tusks to be inspected at Makupa police station in Mombasa  Read more:

Kenyan police seize 300 elephant tusks being packed at port city

2014-06-07 - Mombasa, Kenya.

Kenyan authorities seized 228 whole elephant tusks and 74 others in pieces as they were being packed for export in the port city of Mombasa, police and wildlife officials said. Police arrested one suspect and were searching for another who escaped, Marwa said, noting that the suspect in custody tried to bribe police officers by offering them 5 million shillings ($57,100).

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Fight to save Kenya’s wildlife uses the tools of the drug war

2013-10-27 - Mombasa, Kenya.

Kenya is borrowing a page from America’s war on drugs. Sniffer dogs, normally used to ferret out cocaine shipments, are being put to work in Kenya to track down hidden tusks and horns passing through Kenya’s seaport and airports.

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Kenya seizes more Asia-bound ivory

2011-12-25 - Mombasa, Kenya.

Kenya seized 727 pieces of ivory in a container destined for Asia, a customs
official said, the latest in a wave of ivory hauls in the east African country. Customs agents in the port of Mombasa said the contraband was hidden in bags of plastic chips and showed up in a scan of the container ahead of shipment on Wednesday.

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Ivory products at a store in Guangzhou. On Wednesday 30 elephant tusks of undetermined value were impounded at the port of Mombasa en route Hong Kong. While most countries enforce the ban on ivory, China and Japan have been permitted to buy non-poached i

Elephant tusks impounded at Kenya"s Mombasa port

2011-09-15 - Mombasa, Kenya. ANTHONY KITIMO

Thirty elephant tusks of undetermined value were impounded at the port of Mombasa en route Hong Kong on Wednesday evening. The consignment weighing 274.4 kilograms was intercepted by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officials during their normal inspection at the port. According to deputy commissioner in charge of customs in the southern region, Ms Rose Gichira, the consignment was stuffed in a 40-foot container covered with bales of buttons and clothes.

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Jumbo wars come to Kenya

2008-06-29 - Mombasa, Kenya. JOHN MBARIA

AS THE LARGEST LAND-Based animal, the elephant has the ability to excite strong emotions — emotions that now pit different African countries against each other over whether the beast has more value alive or dead. The jumbo dispute was once again played out recently in Mombasa’s Whitesands Hotel, where representatives of 19 African countries met to cement their unity and sharpen their campaign against the resumption of the ivory trade. Meeting under the auspices of the African Elephant Coalit...

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Elephant attacks keep children from school

2008-03-06 - Mombasa, Kenya. ANTHONY KITIMO

Parents have stopped their children from going to school for fear of being attacked by elephants. They now want the Kenya Wildlife Service to intervene and ensure that the animals do not encroach on their farms. Those interviewed said the animals had destroyed crops and attacked villagers in the past one week. They demanded that KWS compensates them for their losses. Coast assistant director Philip Mwakio said KWS would put in place measures to ensure that the animals remained within the designa...

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Wild elephants on increase in Kenya due successful protection measures

Wild elephants on increase in Kenya due successful protection measures

2008-02-03 - Mombasa, Kenya.

Kenya's population of elephants _ both a tourism drive and a measure of the state of the East African country's wildlife _ is increasing, after successful anti-poaching measures and bans on the illegal ivory trade, wildlife officials said. In Tsavo, Africa's second-largest game reserve, 11,700 elephants were recorded during a five-day aerial census,

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Elephants cause panic at Mombasa beach

2007-07-20 - Mombasa, Kenya. Patrick Beja

Elephants have migrated near Kinondo and Chale beaches on Mombasa’s South Coast, causing panic among residents. Fishermen have been forced to suspend night expeditions for fear of being attacked. Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) says it has not confirmed where the elephants came from. The animals have been roaming on the white beaches on the area dotted with luxury cottages. KWS Coast Assistant Director, Mr Philip Mwakio, said the animals arrived about three weeks ago. Mwakio said it was difficult...

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Elephants block Nairobi-Mombasa Highway

2006-01-13 - Mombasa, Kenya.

A herd of elephants temporarily blocked the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway on Thursday morning after a Mombasa-bound bus knocked down a calf. Police said the calf was knocked down as it was crossing the road at Man Eaters, a few kilometres from Manyatta in Voi division. According to an official of Mombasa Liners, the bus that hit the animal at around 5.30am, other elephants to charge on the road, where they surrounded the carcass.

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9 Headlines about Elephants from Mombasa2014-06-07 - Mombasa, Kenya - Kenyan police seize 300 elephant tusks being packed at port city 2013-10-27 - Mombasa, Kenya - Fight to save Kenya’s wildlife uses the tools of the drug war 2011-12-25 - Mombasa, Kenya - Kenya seizes more Asia-bound ivory 2011-09-15 - Mombasa, Kenya - Elephant tusks impounded at Kenya"s Mombasa port 2008-06-29 - Mombasa, Kenya - Jumbo wars come to Kenya 2008-03-06 - Mombasa, Kenya - Elephant attacks keep children from school 2008-02-03 - Mombasa, Kenya - Wild elephants on increase in Kenya due successful protection measures 2007-07-20 - Mombasa, Kenya - Elephants cause panic at Mombasa beach 2006-01-13 - Mombasa, Kenya - Elephants block Nairobi-Mombasa Highway

24 years on Internet!

ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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