Happier days: Amid getting a wash from a zookeeper at Malacca Zoo, where he was brought after being rescued from a theme park in February.

Zoo awaiting post-mortem results

2007-04-22 - Malacca, Malaysia.

The Malacca Zoo is waiting the results of samples taken during the post-mortem of elephant calf Amid. Amid was found dead in his paddock at 7.30am on April 10. Since the zoo does not have the facilities to analyse and identify viruses or bacteria, the samples were sent to Universiti Putra Malaysia.

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Food supplements: Zoo keeper Hamdan Kamaruddin showing some of the food Amid will consume in the Malacca Zoo yesterday.

Diet plan for baby jumbo

2007-03-02 - MALACCA, Malaysia. MARSHA TAN

Elephant calves generally drink their mothers milk for up to two years or more, but being an orphan, three-month-old Amid will grow up on cows milk powder and bread at the zoo here. Orphaned baby elephants are usually nursed by other lactating female elephants in the herd but Amid has lost not only his mother but his entire herd. We have female elephants in the zoo but none of them are lactating. Even if they were, they might not accept Amid because he is not from their herd.

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Zookeeper Hamdan Kamaruddin feeding Amid at the Malacca Zoo quarantine area on Wednesday. The calf’s shoulder blade can be seen clearly.

Malacca Zoo caring for rescued calf confiscated from Theme park

2007-03-01 - MALACCA, Malaysia. LEE YUK PENG and MARSHA TAN

Amid was a neglected, malnourished three-month-old elephant calf tied up cruelly at a theme park when he was rescued earlier this month. Now, he has several caretakers at the zoo here who take turns feeding him milk, bread, oatmeal and glucose drinks many times a day. But it will take a year, at least, to get him back to normal. He is very much underweight compared to a normal elephant calf, Malacca Zoo director Mohd Nawayai Yasak told The Star yesterday.

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Elephants found grazing near housing estate

2005-07-07 - MALACCA, Malaysia. VINCENT TAN

Five young elephants, with metal chains around their necks, caused a stir at a housing estate in Malim Jaya when the residents saw the animals grazing at a nearby vacant lot. Officials from the Wildlife and National Parks Department and the Malacca Zoo quickly rushed to the area and found that the animals were part of a travelling show that recently performed at the San Pedro fest in the Portuguese settlement here.

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Baby elephant finds new home

2004-06-20 - MALACCA, Malaysia. Lee Yuk Peng, The Star

A six-month-old baby elephant, which was separated from its mother in the Johor forest, will be bred in captivity in the Malacca Zoo.The male calf, named Rio, which still needs milk from its mother until it turns two, will now have to grow up on low-fat cow’s milk mixed with bread.

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Malacca Zoo treating injured seven-year-old calf elephant Muadzam

2003-05-28 - MALACCA, Malaysia. LEE YUK PENG

A young elephant, caught in a wild boar trap at a forest reserve in Rompin, Pahang, has been sent to the Malacca Zoo for treatment. The injured animal was spotted by villagers and rescued by wildlife officers last Thursday. It was brought here on Sunday where zoo officials were now nursing it back to health.

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6 Headlines about Elephants from MALACCA2007-04-22 - Malacca, Malaysia - Zoo awaiting post-mortem results 2007-03-02 - MALACCA, Malaysia - Diet plan for baby jumbo 2007-03-01 - MALACCA, Malaysia - Malacca Zoo caring for rescued calf confiscated from Theme park 2005-07-07 - MALACCA, Malaysia - Elephants found grazing near housing estate 2004-06-20 - MALACCA, Malaysia - Baby elephant finds new home 2003-05-28 - MALACCA, Malaysia - Malacca Zoo treating injured seven-year-old calf elephant Muadzam

24 years on Internet!

ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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