People try to control the elephant, which turned violent, in Gorakhpur on Thursday. (PTI)

Elephant tramples 2 women, child to death during religious procession

2023-02-17 - Lucknow, India. Manish Sahu, Indian Express

Two women and a five-year-old boy were trampled to death when an elephant went berserk during a ‘kalash yatra’ (religious procession) at Mohammadpur Mafi village of Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur district on Thursday afternoon.

The deceased were identified as Kaushlaya Devi (46), her grandson Krishna and their neighbour Kanti Devi (55), police said. The bodies were sent for post-mortem examination. The procession was being taken out by residents of the village.

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When rescued animals bond in a zoological garden

2021-06-19 - Lucknow, India. Subha J Rao

In 2000, Champakali, a pregnant elephant, was brought to the garden from Dudhwa National Park. Around the same time, another elephant had been brought in from somewhere in Rajasthan. The two struck a chord and spent all their time together. “They would eat together, walk together… suddenly Champakali collapsed. Her baby had died. Her friend was inconsolable. We gave medicines to trigger hunger, but he did not eat for 13 or 14 days and died too,” says Kashyap, his voice heavy with emotion.

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Man-elephant conflicts have risen over the years due to the shrinking habitat of the tuskers, argue some experts.

Lift ban on elephant catching to curb man-jumbo conflict- Wildlife experts

2020-10-17 - Lucknow, India.

The rapidly rising graph of man-animal conflicts and consequent fatalities have not only left UP’s wildlife experts but also lone elephant catcher Kamaal Sheikh, worried. Expressing concern over the scenario, the experts and foresters have recommended elephant-catching as the best possible way to curb the menace and have also approached the Union ministry of environment, forest and climate change (MoEF) demanding lifting of the ban on elephant catching, also known locally as ‘mela shikaar’...

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Ailing jumbo Jaimala may return to Lucknow city zoo

2010-10-21 - Lucknow, India.

Jaimala could be on its way back to Lucknow zoo. Reason: the elephant has perhaps not been able to acclimatise to the wild environs of Katarniaghat. Its inability to survive in the wild and learn performing the tasks meant for jumbos has led Katarniaghat officials to consider sending Jaimala back to its old habitat, Lucknow zoo.

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Jumbo population shrinks in state

2010-06-01 - Lucknow, India.

The elephant census, which recently concluded in Uttar Pradesh, has shown a decline in the population of pachyderms. While the number of elephants has dropped in Bijnor and Nazibabad reserves, there is a marginal increase in the elephant population in Shivalik forest division as compared to the 2007 census figure.

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Elephant census at Dudhwa: 11 tuskers sighted

2010-05-24 - Lucknow, India.

The elephant census that took place last week in the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve has recorded the presence of 11 tuskers in the area. While the figure is much less than the 37 elephant sightings reported a week ago by the forest department, authorities claim the reduced number could be owing to the elephants moving to Nepal.

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Former legislator booked for keeping elephants

2008-05-18 - Lucknow, India.

A former legislator of the Uttar Pradesh assembly was booked for illegally keeping two elephants in his farmhouse, forest department officials said on Sunday. Jitendra Jaiswal, who represented Gorakhpur assembly constituency, was served a show cause notice after he was found not having a license to keep elephants. The detection was made during a raid on his farmhouse.

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Uttar Pradesh State to get its own Shivalik elephant reserve

2008-03-10 - Lucknow, India. Tarannum Manjul

As a part of the Government of India’s Project Elephant, the state will soon get its own elephant reserve in Bijnore district under the Nazibabad forest range. The reserve will be called Shivalik Elephant Reserve. The reserve will not only have an exclusive protected area for elephants, but will also see to it that crop raiding activities — which affect those living in these areas — are brought down.

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Friendship in Lucknow Zoo

2007-08-05 - Lucknow, India. Shailvee Sharda

Meet Sumit, a 40-year old elephant and his 50-year old mahaout-friend Kishen. When Kishen walked down the railway track opposite Sumit's enclosure, he started swinging his trunk in excitement. "Kaisa hai tu..ha?" asked Kishen patting his back. The animal saluted his friend trunk-up, telling he was fine. Kishen asked "Khana khayega??" and Sumit shook his head and blew its trumpet crying with authority 'yes I am hungry'. The conversation went on till Sumit's stomach was full. "I have known him for...

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Waiting for new born elephant in Lucknow zoo

2007-04-20 - Lucknow, India.

It is not just regular morning walk that Jaimala is enjoying these days. The elephant is also hogging all the attention and care in city zoo. And in toe follows the partner, Sumit. "Jaimala is due to deliver in June and we are trying from now on to make everything easy for her. Sumit and Jaimala are both taken out for morning walk around 7 am for an hour. We want the pair to be in the best of health", said Eva Sharma, zoo director.

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Elephant census begins in Uttaranchal, India

2005-05-20 - Lucknow, India.

Alarmed by reports of the depleting tiger population in the country, Uttaranchal has begun a three-day census to count the elephants living in the state. The census was started on Thursday and would be completed by Saturday. The last census in 2003 estimated a population of 1,582 elephants in the state.

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Elephant Damini dies of grief in Lucknow Zoo

1999-05-05 - Lucknow, India.

Despite the temptations of her favorite foods -- bananas, sugarcane and grass -- and the efforts of modern veterinary science, Damini, a 72-year-old elephant, died last Wednesday of a broken heart. After being confiscated from owners who were illegally transporting her, Damini was brought to the Prince of Wales Zoo in Lucknow, India, last year. She was alone for five months until September, when a pregnant younger elephant named Champakali joined her.

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12 Headlines about Elephants from Lucknow2023-02-17 - Lucknow, India - Elephant tramples 2 women, child to death during religious procession 2021-06-19 - Lucknow, India - When rescued animals bond in a zoological garden 2020-10-17 - Lucknow, India - Lift ban on elephant catching to curb man-jumbo conflict- Wildlife experts 2010-10-21 - Lucknow, India - Ailing jumbo Jaimala may return to Lucknow city zoo 2010-06-01 - Lucknow, India - Jumbo population shrinks in state 2010-05-24 - Lucknow, India - Elephant census at Dudhwa: 11 tuskers sighted 2008-05-18 - Lucknow, India - Former legislator booked for keeping elephants 2008-03-10 - Lucknow, India - Uttar Pradesh State to get its own Shivalik elephant reserve 2007-08-05 - Lucknow, India - Friendship in Lucknow Zoo 2007-04-20 - Lucknow, India - Waiting for new born elephant in Lucknow zoo 2005-05-20 - Lucknow, India - Elephant census begins in Uttaranchal, India 1999-05-05 - Lucknow, India - Elephant Damini dies of grief in Lucknow Zoo

24 years on Internet!

ELEPHANT NEWS was created on 2001 in Munich, and relaunched in Phnom Penh in 2020, with almost 8 000 links to news articles about elephants on the Internet. A number of articles now also have a cross reference to the elephant database, either for individuals elephants and/or to an article about the location holding


Elephants aid locals in creating firebreaks in Chiang Mai forest

2025-03-27 - Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In a united effort to prevent forest fires, a team of three elephants joined over 20 locals in constructing firebreaks in Chiang Mai’s Mae Taeng district on Wednesday. The initiative, led by Phra Kh...

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Wild tusker Kasera Komban found dead in abandoned septic tank

2025-03-27 - Cholamunda, India.

A Wild tusker, known as Kasera Komban, was found dead in abandoned septic tank in Kerala Malappuram. The tusker used to be affectionately called "Kasera Komban" due to its remarkably long tusks, which...

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Sedgwick County Zoo announces stillborn delivery of elephant calf

2025-03-18 - Wichita, United States.

The Sedgwick County Zoo announced Monday that 29-year-old African elephant Simunye delivered a stillborn calf following a healthy, full-term pregnancy. This would have marked the first elephant born a...

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New Elephant Calf "Gauri" Born In Assam’s Kaziranga National Park

2025-03-08 - Guwahati, India.

A female elephant calf took birth in Assam’s Kaziranga National Park. The newborn, named Gauri, is the offspring of an elephant named Phulmai, who resides within the protected area of Kaziranga.

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TN: 60-year-old female elephant passes away in Trichy

2025-03-05 - Trichy, India.

A 60-year-old female elephant named Jaini, who was being cared for at the MR Palayam Government Elephant Rehabilitation Centre in Reserve Forest under the Trichy Forest Division, has passed away. The ...

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A Tribute to Paolo, Amboseli’s Iconic Elephant

2025-02-07 - Amboseli, Kenya.

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Paolo, one of Amboseli’s most famous and cherished elephants. At 46 years old, Paolo’s death marks the loss of a true giant, not only in size but ...

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