
Cincinnati Zoo’s Asian Elephant Herd Just Got a Lot Bigger!

2023-11-08 - Cincinnati, United States.

Four Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), two adult females and their young male calves, arrived at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden on Sunday, November 5. The new elephants, SheRa, Kabir, Anak, and Sanjay, came from the Dublin Zoo on a joint recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Asian Elephant Species Survival Plan® (SSP) and its equivalent in the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA)

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Ohio gives $1.5M to help fund new elephant home at Cincinnati Zoo

2020-12-26 - Cincinnati, United States.

The Cincinnati Zoo is one giant step closer to building a new home for the elephants. The Cincinnati Business Courier reports the state of Ohio is kicking in $1.5 million to help fund the new Elephant Trek. It's part of a $150-million expansion. Once complete, the elephants will have overhead feeding stations, ponds, a stream, mud wallows and five times the space to explore.

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Elephant trainer Cecil Jackson Senior, face of the Cincinnati zoo for decades, dies

2017-01-03 - Cincinnati, United States.

Cecil Jackson Senior retired from the zoo in 1998, two months shy of being there for 50 years. People could find him and any animal at local parades and he also worked with Marge Schott and the Reds. He appeared on National Geographic twice for the zoo and was on hand to see the first gorilla born in captivity.His son, Cecil Junior, is now the head elephant trainer.

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Cincinnati Zoo celebrates elephant"s 40th birthday

2013-05-04 - Cincinnati, United States.

The Cincinnati Zoo´s oldest Asian elephant is celebrating her 40th birthday with a special pachyderm-sized cake and a serenade. My-Thai has been at the zoo since she was 9 months old. She has been a zoo ambassador, marching in Cincinnati Reds´ Opening Day parades and handing out the first pitch to folks on the pitching mound.

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Late Reds Owner’s Foundation Gives Zoo Record Gift

2011-12-02 - Cincinnati, United States.

Cincinnati’s zoo has received an elephant-size gift from the foundation of the late Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott. She was a major supporter of the zoo and once donated an elephant named Schottzie. Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden director Thane Maynard says the $5 million contribution from the Marge and Charles J. Schott Foundation is the zoo’s single biggest gift ever. Marge Schott died in 2004 at age 75.

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This vet knows when to pat the trunk

2010-08-08 - Cincinnati, United States.

Dr. Mark Campbell makes his first house call of the day shortly before 8 a.m. The bearded, bespectacled veterinarian enters the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden´s Elephant House, where his patient awaits. My-Thai, a 36-year-old, 8,700-pound Asian elephant, is not sick. But Campbell needs to draw a blood sample for a species survival plan study that will determine whether elephants experience menopause

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Lessons for Earth live on at Big Bone Lick by Stanley Hedeen

2008-02-19 - Cincinnati, United States.

Big Bone Lick foreshadows a warming Earth filled with condemned species. Bones of numerous Ice Age mammals are entombed at the Kentucky salt lick, which yielded the world's first identified mastodon remains in 1739. President George Washington owned a mastodon tooth from Big Bone Lick. William Henry Harrison, a future U.S. president, gathered 13 large barrels of remains from the lick in 1795. Two hundred years ago, on March 7, 1808, President Jefferson received 300 bones from the lick and had th...

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Going green with "zoo poop"

2008-01-18 - Cincinnati, United States. JIM KNIPPENBERG

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden has launched a project that will turn one of its most abundant natural resources into energy. Poop. There are no specific numbers on how much it will save the zoo in energy costs, but the team working on the project says it will be tens of thousands of dollars annually at the outset and more as the program progresses. In about two years, when the plan is fully implemented, the elephant and giraffe houses will be heated, cooled and lit by animal waste convert...

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Elephant Managers Association (EMA) Annual Conference

2007-10-13 - Cincinnati, United States. Val Nastold

The conference will be at Drawbridge Inn Oct 13th-16th, with a pre-trip to the Indianapolis Zoo on Oct 13th and a post-trip to the Louisville Zoo on the 17th. There will be more information about the conference coming soon.

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Cincinnati Zoo"s elephants get top quality care

2006-01-25 - Cincinnati, United States. KRISTIN L. VEHRS

Regarding the Enquirer the Your Voice opinion piece of 15 January 2006, "The Cincinnati Zoo lags in humane elephant care": the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) challenges the authors' comments and misrepresentation of the Zoo, its dedicated employees and volunteers. The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden was recently accredited for the fifth time since 1978 by the AZA, which accredits only those zoos and aquariums meeting the highest standards in animal care, conservation, science and ...

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Cincinnati Zoo lags in humane elephant care

2006-01-15 - Cincinnati, United States. Les Schobert

The Cincinnati Zoo's approach toward elephants is about as outdated as its elephant building, which was built in 1906 ("Elephant exhibit poses care issues," Jan. 2). The zoo ignores the wealth of scientific knowledge gained about elephant behavior and biology over the past several decades that should guide the care of elephants in captivity today.

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Elephant exhibit poses issues, Some challenge expansion at Cincinnati Zoo

2006-01-02 - Cincinnati, United States. Dan Klepal

Elephants have been a major draw at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden for nearly a century. As the zoo embarks on a $2.6 million campaign to expand its elephant exhibit, a plan that includes bringing in a bull elephant so it can begin a captive breeding program, several other zoos have closed exhibits under public pressure after animal deaths or mistreatment allegations.

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Zoo Faces - Cecil Jackson Jr -Through Friday, we"re celebrating people, animals and the zoo"s 130th birthday

2005-09-21 - Cincinnati, United States.

Name: Cecil Jackson Jr. Title: Elephant manager (trainer, head keeper). Residence: Owen County, Ky. Age: 44. Family: Single, three children. Years of service: 30 (began working with dad Cecil Sr., a trainer, at age 14). Best part of job: Being able to work day-to-day with such big, enormous animals as elephants, that are about to go into extinction and trying to help avoid that.

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13 Headlines about Elephants from Cincinnati2023-11-08 - Cincinnati, United States - Cincinnati Zoo’s Asian Elephant Herd Just Got a Lot Bigger! 2020-12-26 - Cincinnati, United States - Ohio gives $1.5M to help fund new elephant home at Cincinnati Zoo 2017-01-03 - Cincinnati, United States - Elephant trainer Cecil Jackson Senior, face of the Cincinnati zoo for decades, dies 2013-05-04 - Cincinnati, United States - Cincinnati Zoo celebrates elephant"s 40th birthday 2011-12-02 - Cincinnati, United States - Late Reds Owner’s Foundation Gives Zoo Record Gift 2010-08-08 - Cincinnati, United States - This vet knows when to pat the trunk 2008-02-19 - Cincinnati, United States - Lessons for Earth live on at Big Bone Lick by Stanley Hedeen 2008-01-18 - Cincinnati, United States - Going green with "zoo poop" 2007-10-13 - Cincinnati, United States - Elephant Managers Association (EMA) Annual Conference 2006-01-25 - Cincinnati, United States - Cincinnati Zoo"s elephants get top quality care 2006-01-15 - Cincinnati, United States - Cincinnati Zoo lags in humane elephant care 2006-01-02 - Cincinnati, United States - Elephant exhibit poses issues, Some challenge expansion at Cincinnati Zoo 2005-09-21 - Cincinnati, United States - Zoo Faces - Cecil Jackson Jr -Through Friday, we"re celebrating people, animals and the zoo"s 130th birthday

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