The operation started after a government order to capture the elephant was issued

Wild tusker captured at Wayanad

2016-11-24 - Wayanad, India.

A wild tusker that had troubled villagers in Wayanad has been caught after a massive operation. The operation started after a government order to capture the elephant was issued. It was shot with tranquilizers when it came out of the forest.

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The house of Kunjan at Aanappara, near Thirunelly, in Wayanad district that was destroyed by a wild elephant on Saturday morning.

Man suffers grievous injuries in elephant attack in Wayanad

2015-04-12 - Wayanad, India.

A wild tusker on Saturday morning attacked Kunjan, 55, of Cholangadi, near Aanappara, in the Tholpetty range of forests under the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. The tusker destroyed his house. Mr. Kunjan was admitted to the District Hospital at Mananthavady with serious injuries. His nine-year-old daughter escaped the tusker attack. The elephant also partially destroyed the house of Raju Cholangadi and a cattle shed of Raju Aranappara, the villagers said.

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Gajakesari gets Waynad elephant

2013-11-23 - Wayanad, India.

The team of Gajakesari has selected the elephant that will play an important role in the film. the elephant for the film has been found in Waynad, Kerala. The elephant, named Arjuna, and the shoot for the fourth schedule of the film involving him started earlier this week. Arjuna is a tusker and is one of the biggest domesticated elephants in India.

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Fatal herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease in wild and orphan asian elephants in southern India.

2013-04-20 - Wayanad, India. Zachariah A, Zong JC, Long SY, Latimer EM, Heaggans SY, Richman LK, Hayward GS. Source Department of Forests and Wildlife, Government of Kerala, Sultan Battery, Wayanad, India.

These results argue against the previous suggestions that this is just a disease of captive elephants and that the EEHV1 virus has crossed recently from African elephant (Loxodonta africana) hosts to Asian elephants. Instead, both the virus and the disease are evidently widespread in Asia and, despite the disease severity, Asian elephants appear to be the ancient endogenous hosts of both EEHV1A and EEHV1B.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Wayanad2016-11-24 - Wayanad, India - Wild tusker captured at Wayanad 2015-04-12 - Wayanad, India - Man suffers grievous injuries in elephant attack in Wayanad 2013-11-23 - Wayanad, India - Gajakesari gets Waynad elephant 2013-04-20 - Wayanad, India - Fatal herpesvirus hemorrhagic disease in wild and orphan asian elephants in southern India.

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