
Wet, wet day with elephants at Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary

2005-07-03 - Sumatra, Malaysia.

AT first glance, the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary almost seems like a theme park where visitors get a chance to ride the elephants and feed them with baskets of luscious fruits. There is even an opportunity to cool off with the elephants in the river during the heat of the day.
These, however, are some of the eco-tourism activities that are meant to generate more awareness of the plight of these animals.

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Indonesian Elephants in danger

2005-01-12 - Sumatra, Indonesia. Daniel Hoare

DEFORESTATION and an increase in ivory hunting will follow the Sumatran tsunami in the coming months as a displaced Aceh population searches for new forms of income.

In Melbourne yesterday, southeast Asian wildlife experts Joe Heffernan and Matt Hunt arrived to highlight the urgency of wildlife preservation projects in the devastated region.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Sumatra2005-07-03 - Sumatra, Malaysia - Wet, wet day with elephants at Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary 2005-01-12 - Sumatra, Indonesia - Indonesian Elephants in danger

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