
In Cachar, microchips in elephants for identification, to monitor health

2021-12-24 - Silchar, India.

In order to keep track of elephants and better monitoring of the pachyderms, Cachar Forest officials have started implanting microchips in them. The three-day camp, which began at Sonai Forest office on Wednesday, was next held at Salchapra on Thursday and Sonai and Matinagar of Cachar district on Friday. The camp also consisted of health checkup for the elephants and verification of the owner.

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Domestic elephants kill 8 near Silchar

2007-07-25 - Silchar, India. Partha Sarkar

Eight persons, including five women died on the spot when two domesticated elephants attacked their houses yesterday night at Hawaitang , Tulatal, Bagawala , Kooliechera and Siggarbasti, which are located atleast 40 kms away from the city. The area falls under the reserve forest of Dholai Range. Irate local residents in the meatime torched the Hawaitang Forest Beat Office today afternoon.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Silchar2021-12-24 - Silchar, India - In Cachar, microchips in elephants for identification, to monitor health 2007-07-25 - Silchar, India - Domestic elephants kill 8 near Silchar

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