Tourists riding on elephants look at the one-horned Rhinoceros at the Kaziranga National park in Guwahati Assam on Friday. The park was reopened for tourists on Friday.

Kaziranga National Park opens for tourists

2013-11-03 - Kaziranga, India.

The Park was opened for four months by Forest Minister Rockybul Hussain today. Over 67 foreign travellers besides hundreds of domestic tourists took the elephant rides on 17 pachyderms pressed into service from the Mihimukh ground inside the Park, KNP officials said.

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2 elephants die in Kaziranga after a fight

2013-10-31 - Kaziranga, India.

Tusker ´Ratan´ (26) in Musth, suddenly attacked another elephant ´Gautam´ (25) when they were playing with each other on Tuesday and seriously injured him. Gautam, who does not have tusks, succumbed to his wounds within three hours of being attacked. Ratan was also grievously injured in the fight and died yesterday, the Park director said.

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1 more died in elephant attack

2009-02-25 - Kaziranga, India.

Hardly a month after the elephant festival to counter the man-elephant conflict, a villager was trampled to death by a wild elephant in the outskirts of the Kaziranga National Park on Tuesday. The deceased was identified as Gopal Barua who trampled to death in his home at Hatikhuli village by the tusker which got separated from its herd and strayed out of the national park at Hatikhuli village. The forest department sources said the department is taking measures to drive the tusker back to the p...

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Kaziranga engages private elephant owners to meet tourist demand

2009-02-13 - Kaziranga, India. Apem Kamadoang

Due to the increasing inflow of tourists at the Kaziranga National Park located in Assam, the state forest department has engaged private elephant owners for elephant safaris in the park. Because of increasing tourist arrivals, the park authorities are engaging private elephant owners to cater to the tourist rush. “At present, we are having around 52 departmental elephants at the Kaziranga National Park and about 19 elephants from private sector who are participating for the visitors.

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Gentle giant, killer tusker...Godapani was this and more

2007-12-05 - Kaziranga, India.

A 60-year-old tamed Asiatic tusker which killed an American tourist as well as the elephant she was riding in 1999 at the Kaziranga National Park has died of old age, but not without leaving behind some fond memories for park rangers. The nearly 10-foot elephant, named Godapani, died Sunday at the park, 220 km east of Assam's main city of Guwahati, bringing tears to the eyes of many officials and forest guards at Kaziranga.

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Assam elephants face shrinking habitat

2005-06-29 - Kaziranga, India. Bano Haralu

In Assam, the government has licensed stone quarrying which involves noisy blasting in a reserve forest area that serves as an elephant corridor near Kaziranga National Park. This has resulted in elephants using tea estates as thorough fare, leading to inevitable man animal conflict – angry wild elephants have been attacking the locals.

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Census boost to Kaziranga image - Elephant count reveals significant increase in population

2005-04-11 - Kaziranga, India. NISHIT DHOLABHAI

This is a piece of news that will warm the cockles of every conservationist’s heart. An elephant census at the Kaziranga National Park has revealed an increase in the population of the species by nearly 200, no mean feat given the intensity of the man-animal conflict in Assam. The encouraging report comes close on the heels of a grand centenary bash at the park.

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Elephant tramples mahout at celebrations

2005-02-13 - Kaziranga, India. India News

A mahout was trampled to death by an elephant at a national park in Assam, dampening the spirit of the sanctuary's centenary celebrations.

A wildlife warden said a female elephant suddenly went berserk at the Kaziranga National Park in eastern Assam Saturday evening and trampled elephant keeper Gathia Munda, 35.

"Two elephants and their keepers were taking rest beneath a tree inside the park when suddenly one of them attacked Munda. In seconds, the enraged elephan...

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Queen’ directs jumbo drama - Kaziranga ‘village’ to display ancient elephant-catching art

2005-02-09 - Kaziranga, India. PULLOCK DUTTA

The silhouette of the “elephant queen” juts out of the darkening sky in a unique settlement deep inside the Kaziranga National Park.

Parbati Baruah, the lone woman elephant trainer in the country, is surveying the “mahout village” that will host one of the most-anticipated events of the park’s centenary celebrations. Speaking loudly over strains of Goalpariya folk songs in the background, she said the settlement at the Bagori range of the park would provide a must-see ca...

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Elephants preparing for historic soccer match:

2005-01-29 - Kaziranga, India. India News

Mangal Karmakar may not have played football at the highest level, but he is busy training an "elephantine" team for a match at a famed wildlife sanctuary in Assam.

The players are all bubbling with enthusiasm - they are all pachyderms after all! They are undergoing regular drills and practice sessions under the watchful eyes of coach Karmakar inside the Kaziranga National Park in eastern Assam.

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Tsunami floods Kaziranga with tourists:

2005-01-06 - Kaziranga, India. India News

After the killer tsunami wreaked havoc in most South Asian tourist destinations, foreign and domestic visitors in their hundreds have been flocking to a wildlife sanctuary in India's northeastern state of Assam, officials said.

Authorities at the internationally renowned Kaziranga National Park said they were unable to cope with the sudden surge in tourist flow to the sanctuary that is home to the endangered one-horned Indian rhinoceros.

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Football festival aids elephants

2004-01-31 - Kaziranga, India.

Almost 100 elephants have taken part in a football game in India as part of an annual festival aimed at encouraging locals to protect the animals

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12 Headlines about Elephants from Kaziranga2013-11-03 - Kaziranga, India - Kaziranga National Park opens for tourists 2013-10-31 - Kaziranga, India - 2 elephants die in Kaziranga after a fight 2009-02-25 - Kaziranga, India - 1 more died in elephant attack 2009-02-13 - Kaziranga, India - Kaziranga engages private elephant owners to meet tourist demand 2007-12-05 - Kaziranga, India - Gentle giant, killer tusker...Godapani was this and more 2005-06-29 - Kaziranga, India - Assam elephants face shrinking habitat 2005-04-11 - Kaziranga, India - Census boost to Kaziranga image - Elephant count reveals significant increase in population 2005-02-13 - Kaziranga, India - Elephant tramples mahout at celebrations 2005-02-09 - Kaziranga, India - Queen’ directs jumbo drama - Kaziranga ‘village’ to display ancient elephant-catching art 2005-01-29 - Kaziranga, India - Elephants preparing for historic soccer match: 2005-01-06 - Kaziranga, India - Tsunami floods Kaziranga with tourists: 2004-01-31 - Kaziranga, India - Football festival aids elephants

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