
Assemblyman wants elephants out of his area

2004-12-07 - JOHOR BARU, Malaysia. The Malaysia Star

The Wildlife Department must capture and relocate elephants
roaming in the Tenang constituency because the animals are a threat to the
safety of villages in the area, said its assemblyman.

Datuk Sulaiman Taha (BN – Tenang) said in recent months, a herd of seven to
eight elephants were seen roaming in several Felda schemes and villages
located near Labis.

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The Royal London Circus Offer to rehabilitate rogue elephants in Terengganu

2004-12-06 - JOHOR BARU, Malaysia. New Straits Times

The owner of the Royal London Circus has offered the
Terengganu Government help to rehabilitate rogue elephants that have been
destroying farms in the State.

Paul L.B. Lee, who is the president and producer of the circus, said he
had made the offer to the Terengganu Wildlife and National Parks
Department (Perhilitan).

Lee said he had the expertise to train the wild elephants so that they
could be "useful" to the people.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from JOHOR BARU2004-12-07 - JOHOR BARU, Malaysia - Assemblyman wants elephants out of his area 2004-12-06 - JOHOR BARU, Malaysia - The Royal London Circus Offer to rehabilitate rogue elephants in Terengganu

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