2016-08-02 - Havelock Island, India.
Rajan, the legendary elephant whom you could swim along with in the ocean off the Andaman islands, has passed away at the age of 66. A star attraction at Barefoot Resort at Havelock Island, Rajan came to be in the possession of the owners of the resort, after they took him under their care when he was left sick and stranded on the island in 2004, after his owner could not pay to ship him to a nearby island after a film shoot.
2008-09-11 - Havelock islands, India. PATANJALI V. PARIMI
Rajan is unique. He flies in the waters of the Bay of Bengal with the ease of a pelican in the air. He may be a majestic giant on land, but in the water he seems to transform into a weightless creature specially designed to fly in the sea. If you ever imagined flying with an elephant in a surreal world, you sure can realise your dream with the help of a male tusker called Rajan in the Andaman Islands. For a country that has an estimated 25,000 wild elephants and 3,500 domesticated elephants, the...
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