Forest officials had found the carcass of a sub-adult female aged nearly 10 years in the Soraipung range of the Joypur reserve forest in Dibrugarh district on December 3.

Carcass of wild elephant in Assam tests positive for Anthrax

2020-12-09 - Dibrugarh, India.

The carcass of a wild elephant found inside Joypur reserve forest in Assam’s Dibrugarh district last week has tested positive for Anthrax, the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) said Wednesday. Though the highly infectious disease caused by the bacteria called ‘Bacilhus anthracis’ had earlier been detected in cattle in the state, this is likely to be the first confirmed case of Anthrax in wild elephants in Assam. Forest officials had found the carcass of a sub-adult female aged nearly 10 years ...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Dibrugarh2020-12-09 - Dibrugarh, India - Carcass of wild elephant in Assam tests positive for Anthrax

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