
Satellite Peek Into Mysterious Life Of Borneo"s Pygmy Elephants

2005-12-18 - Borneo, Indonesia.

The same satellite system used by the U.S. military to track vehicle convoys in Iraq is helping World Wildlife Fund shed light on the little-known world of pygmy elephants in Borneo. This week marks the six-month anniversary of the first pygmy elephant's being captured and outfitted with a collar that can send GPS locations to WWF daily via satellite. Now, for the first time, the public can track the movements of the elephants online through an interactive web map at

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Borneo"s pygmy elephants get satellite-tracking help

2005-08-16 - Borneo, Indonesia.

Newly discovered pygmy elephants in Borneo are being outfitted with transmitters to allow orbiting satellites to track them as they migrate through dense rain forest mountains. Experts use dart guns to tranquilise the pachyderms, which are then outfitted with tag collars, according to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) spokesman Stefan Ziegler. Each tag, a grey, brick-like device strapped around the elephant's neck, will transmit its whereabouts to a satellite three times a day for 18 months until the ba...

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Pygmy elephants tagged in hunt for survival - Conservationists are tracking Malaysia subspecies via satellite

2005-06-30 - Borneo, Malaysia. Vijay Joshi

Crouched in the vine-tangled forest of Borneo, where the brightest part of the day seems like dusk, Elis Tambing finally got the elusive animal in his laser sight and fired. The pink-quilled dart found its mark: the rump of the female pygmy elephant, a unique and endangered animal found only in Malaysia’s Sabah state on Borneo Island. Two more shots and the gentle giant, nicknamed Taliwas after the forest where she lives, dozed off standing up, tranquilized for half an hour, ready to be electr...

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WWF EXPEDITION: Collaring Borneo Elephants

2005-06-27 - Borneo, Malaysia. Jan Vertefeuille, WWF

The collaring team from the Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysia and WWF's Borneo office are used to the jungle. I was fortunate enough to spend a few days with them to collar five elephants in June. Putting collars on the elephants will be a huge step forward in scientists' understanding of the pygmy elephants and the collars will make keeping track of them much easier for WWF, the only conservation organization working to protect the population.

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Borneo2005-12-18 - Borneo, Indonesia - Satellite Peek Into Mysterious Life Of Borneo"s Pygmy Elephants 2005-08-16 - Borneo, Indonesia - Borneo"s pygmy elephants get satellite-tracking help 2005-06-30 - Borneo, Malaysia - Pygmy elephants tagged in hunt for survival - Conservationists are tracking Malaysia subspecies via satellite 2005-06-27 - Borneo, Malaysia - WWF EXPEDITION: Collaring Borneo Elephants

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