
"Happy baby elephant" -- Glimpse of newborn elephant in Myanmar

2022-01-24 - Bago, Myanmar.

The two-day-old baby male elephant is seen at the Wingabaw Elephant Camp in Bago region, Myanmar on Jan. 23,

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A staff member feeds milk to Ayeyar Sein in Wingabaw Elephant Camp, Bago, Myanmar, September 27, 2019

Baby elephant nursed back to health at Myanmar sanctuary

2020-10-02 - Bago, Myanmar.

Baby elephant Ayeyar Sein trumpets impatiently as a vet prepares her milk bottle and walks cautiously, her front left leg in a splint made of bamboo and cloth bandages. The four-month-old calf was rescued from a hunter's snare trap in the forest of Myanmar's southwest Ayeyarwaddy region last month and is now being looked after by staff at the Wingabaw elepant sanctuary, an hour's drive northeast of Yangon.

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Bago2022-01-24 - Bago, Myanmar - "Happy baby elephant" -- Glimpse of newborn elephant in Myanmar 2020-10-02 - Bago, Myanmar - Baby elephant nursed back to health at Myanmar sanctuary

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