
Noah"s Ark Zoo Farm: Animal Keeper - Elephant Section (Permanent Role)

2021-03-03 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

An opportunity has arisen for an experienced, motivated individual to join our committed and friendly team of animal keepers. We are looking to recruit an experienced animal keeper with at least one year of keeping Elephants into our progressive protected contact Elephant Section which is acting as Europe's premier African Elephant Bull facility.

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Wendy the elephant lived at Bristol Zoo Gardens until 2002

Bristol Zoo to close

2021-02-28 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

Earlier this week, Bristol Zoo announced plans to turn its car park into housing. This came after the Bristol Zoological Society announced at the end of November the closure of its Clifton site, with plans to relocate the attraction to its Wild Place Project site in South Gloucestershire to create a 'world-class zoo and safeguard the future of the organisation'.

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The zoo is a non-profit organisation

Noah"s Ark Zoo Farm urged to drop elephant plans

2010-08-05 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

Animal welfare experts have urged a zoo near Bristol to drop plans to build what is thought would be the UK´s biggest elephant enclosure. Noah´s Ark Zoo Farm, at Wraxall, has been granted planning permission for a 12-acre enclosure which would be home to up to 10 elephants.

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Bristol zoo to see new elephant enclosure

2010-05-20 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

Noahs Ark Zoo Farm in Bristol has been awarded permission to construct a new elephant house by North Somerset Council. At 12 acres, the new open elephant enclosure will be one of the largest of its kind in the UK. The attraction is located six miles from Bristol and it welcomes around 120,000 people through its doors each year.

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1,000 fossil-hunters come to Bristol. The University welcomes delegates attending the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

2009-09-22 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

Over 1,000 paleontologists from all over the world will arrive in Bristol, UK, this week to attend an international conference being held at the University of Bristol. Feathered dinosaurs, fossil giraffes, and the fossil bones of mammoth, bison and woolly rhinos from the bottom of the North Sea, are but a few of the hundreds of exciting new finds that will be revealed during the four days of the conference (23-26 September).

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Lateralisation of trunk movements in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus).

2009-01-26 - Bristol, United Kingdom. Haakonsson JE, Semple S. Bristol Zoo Gardens

Behavioural lateralisation has been widely investigated in vertebrates. Most studies in this area have focused on laterality in paired organs such as hands, limbs, and eyes. Fewer studies have explored side preferences in unpaired organs such as tails or trunks. We investigated laterality of trunk use among captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), quantifying side preference in four different trunk movements: feeding, sand spraying, self-touching, and swinging. We found evidence for significan...

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Elephants head for zoo farm

2007-08-17 - Bristol, United Kingdom.

Noahs Ark Zoo Farm has announced plans to introduce elephants, lions, zebras and bears to its collection of animals. The elephant enclosure will comprise seven acres of rich grassland, 7000 sq feet of heated housing plus an outdoor sandy area with a water pool, said owner Anthony Bush. Were looking to keep four elephants, three females and one male, who will hopefully breed and help the dwindling numbers of elephants in the wild.

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New Scientist 17 December 2005: Elephants cleared of going on drunken rampages

2006-11-15 - Bristol, United Kingdom. New Scientist

Anecdotes about African elephants going on alcohol-fuelled rampages after eating the fermented fruit of the marula tree or drinking alcohol are probably incorrect, says Steven Morris at the University of Bristol, UK. It is more likely that "drunk" bulls are just defending a prized food source, says Morris. The study will be published in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology next year.

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Drunken elephant myth exposed

2005-12-20 - BRISTOL, United Kingdom.

Folk lore has it elephants can get drunk by eating fermented fruit rotting on the ground, but a study debunks that claim, despite "eyewitness" accounts. The study, to appear in the March-April issue of the journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, says anecdotes of drunken elephants go back more than a century. Steve Morris, a biologist at the University of Bristol in England and a co-author of the study told National Geographic News, "People just want to believe in drunken elephants."

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9 Headlines about Elephants from BRISTOL2021-03-03 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Noah"s Ark Zoo Farm: Animal Keeper - Elephant Section (Permanent Role) 2021-02-28 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Bristol Zoo to close 2010-08-05 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Noah"s Ark Zoo Farm urged to drop elephant plans 2010-05-20 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Bristol zoo to see new elephant enclosure 2009-09-22 - Bristol, United Kingdom - 1,000 fossil-hunters come to Bristol. The University welcomes delegates attending the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2009-01-26 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Lateralisation of trunk movements in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). 2007-08-17 - Bristol, United Kingdom - Elephants head for zoo farm 2006-11-15 - Bristol, United Kingdom - New Scientist 17 December 2005: Elephants cleared of going on drunken rampages 2005-12-20 - BRISTOL, United Kingdom - Drunken elephant myth exposed

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