
Iconic Elephant Says Goodbye to Infamous Puerto Rican Zoo

2023-05-15 - Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.

In the early evening of May 11, a small crowd gathered in front of the Zoológico Dr. Juan A. Rivero, hoping for one last peek of Mundi, the elephant symbol of the zoo shut down for animal abuse in March. All they could see, however, was the big metal box where she was transported to a sanctuary in the state of Georgia, where she’ll live the remainder of her days. The departure of Mundi, who was born in 1982 and spent the last 35 years at the Zoológico Dr. Juan A. Rivero, marked the bittersw...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Puerto rico2023-05-15 - Mayagüez, Puerto Rico - Iconic Elephant Says Goodbye to Infamous Puerto Rican Zoo

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